Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
This is an article about the "Bad Egg" glitch, and how to prevent your Pokemon and save from being corrupted.
The Bad Egg glitch is not cause due to hackers. It is a glitch that surfaced while using wonder trade, and is extremely rare.
Au.ibitimes.com says:
How to deal with the Bad Egg glitch:
Olcon from Gamefaqs.com says:
Your main goal is to leave the bad egg untouched.
If any of you guys have had this problem, let me know in the replies what happened to your other Pokemon in the box. I hope this guide helps in case a situation like this arrives.
The Bad Egg glitch is not cause due to hackers. It is a glitch that surfaced while using wonder trade, and is extremely rare.
Au.ibitimes.com says:
Playing Pokemon X and Y has so far surfaced a number of glitches and corrupted saves, from the one in Luminose City that has been fixed to the rumoured Missingno glitch and texture glitch found more recently.
However, a new glitch has been reported by the official Pokemon X and Y Facebook administrators, calling it the Mystery Egg in reference to a Bad Egg from other Pokemon games.
According to the report, you might obtain the Mystery Egg through Wonder Trade. Some cases of players encountering the Mystery Egg is that, while a trade may run smoothly, a glitchy Pokemon may take its place and transform into a Mystery Egg.
The Mystery Egg is pretty much just a useless piece of accessory since you can't trade it, release it, or hatch it. But that is not the worst part of it.
The difference between an older 'Bad Egg' and a 'Mystery Egg' though is Mystery Eggs can multiply. They can also appear out of nowhere, with no warning," said a statement from the official Pokemon X and Y Facebook. "Mystery Eggs can corrupt the PC box that they're in and can also corrupt every Pokemon within that box, as well as any other box it's been in. EVERY BOX THE EGG HAS BEEN IN WILL BECOME INFECTIOUS."
The administrators have even provided a video for the new Pokemon X and Y glitch, which you can view here, as well as a link for a thread on the discussions forum about the Mystery Egg.
Basically, you should avoid the Mystery Egg at all costs--so no retrieving of attached items from it, hatching it, withdrawing it, or even touching it, if you can. Make sure to quarantine the Mystery Egg in its own box, and if you do remove Pokemons from a quarantined box, make sure to put them in their own so you can observe and avoid possible infection of other Pokemons.
Best to be safe than sorry with this kind of Pokemon X and Y glitch.
How to deal with the Bad Egg glitch:
Olcon from Gamefaqs.com says:
1. Do not touch the egg! That means no checking moves, stats, anything. It may have an item attached, do not attempt to retrieve the item!
2. The box the bad egg is in is immediately QUARANTINED.
3. Immediately remove all Pokemon from the quarantined box. They can and WILL
be corrupted if they remain in close proximity to the bad egg.
4. Do not , I repeat, DO NOT attempt to withdraw the egg. Do NOT attempt to hatch the egg.
5. Your primary goal is to save all your Pokemon from infection. Treat a bad egg like you would a zombie pathogen that spreads via air.
6. Your secondary goal is to avoid the Pokemon "-----". At all costs.
Your main goal is to leave the bad egg untouched.
If any of you guys have had this problem, let me know in the replies what happened to your other Pokemon in the box. I hope this guide helps in case a situation like this arrives.