Waster of Play Coins
Towns Folk
Hi guys!
I am doing a little Pokemon challenge called the MarcLocke.
This MarcLocke is going to be done on Pokemon Y.
RULES: (Copied off Bulbapedia)
Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
- The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. If the first encounter in the area is a Double Battle in dark grass, the player may choose which of the two Pokémon they would like to catch.
- While not exactly a definite rule, the general consensus is that players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
- Strongly implied, though not explicitly mentioned in the comic, is the stipulation that the player can use only Pokémon they have captured themselves, meaning traded Pokémon, mystery gifts, etc., are prohibited. Trading and retrading the same Pokémon (for the purpose of evolving a Graveler, for example) is something of a gray area, and may fall under optional rules. As of White: Hard-Mode Episode 3, it is implied that the player can accept Pokémon that are received freely from NPCs.
- Master Balls are banned xD
- Also strongly implied is a prohibition against voluntarily resetting and reloading the game when things go wrong. Being able to do so would render all of the other rules pointless.
- Now for the unique rules of the MarcLocke
- For Pokemon Y the second set of starters (Kanto) Will be determined by my Trainer ID
- Every Pokemon you catch has to have a Marc Pun in it's name.
- Whenever a Pokemon faints I have to pay 1PC to @Marc
- If I black/white out I have to pay 5PC to @Marc
- You guys can vote which starter I pick
- Leave some other rules you think should be included in this MarcLocke
- Also Xcaliber helped think of the rules.
- I will start this in a few days when the poll is done
You can tell me in advance if I get a certain pokemon, what to name it. (Has to be a Marc pun)
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