Pre-load: yay or boo?

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Lime Pawpaw
Towns Folk
I noticed that the new Little Battlers eXperience game for the 3DS has a pre-load feature where people can buy and download the game onto the 3DS early, but won't be able to play it until its release date, when a small update will 'unlock' the game for them.

Do you think this is a good idea?

I'm all right with it. If the game is pre-loadable, it makes it a little quicker to play it once it officially comes out instead of waiting for it to download. Doesn't make much of a difference to be honest, but what do you guys think of the point that buyers should be able to play their game immediately? >.<)/
There are people who really want to buy and play the game on the release date (even before them), yet sometimes they are just too proud to showoff, posting on the social media etc.

In some cases, my friends and I created a Story of Seasons group involving players who have Japanese version so we can immediately discuss about the game as soon as possible (when the game is available).
Most people and gamers aren't ones to be patient with playing games, especially for people who want to quickly showcase the game in a stream or whatnot can easily get right into the action. This was especially true for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U; being able to download most of the game before-hand, then downloading the rest upon release. It really doesn't make that much of a difference to me, but for certain people, it can mean the world lol.
Well it sounds like a way to solve pre-buying games from a store and that sounds like the way Steam is run so it's both good and bad. Bad news is if people are smart enough to hack in somehow but the good news is they deserved it, but the bad news is it's being pirated, but the good news is it's because of solid effort it was being stolen which can be a good thing meaning society as a whole is thinking of better ways to survive. I can't see why this is the worst idea ever because I support it however it is an investment that can only be solved by struggle and intellect. Considering in this day and age no one cares about anything except their will to survive, socialize, have fun, and their home country besides meth-heads I say this is the best idea this age has given to us. We are ever so moving into the future.
The concept of pre-loading games isn't too important to me. I usually don't mind waiting a few hours to play my new game. It's usually the most helpful with playstation 4 and Xbox one games. Some digital games can bet 40+ gigabytes. That can take FOREVER on a slow internet connection. Being able to get a head start helps out a lot. I have a decent internet speed, so I don't have a great deal of interest in it. However, I know that some of my friends with slower internet speeds love having a head start in downloading a game.
I don't really know what to think of it... I'm one of those impulsive people who enjoy having the security of knowing they have the game, but on the other hand, it would kill me knowing I had it and couldn't play. But, going with my instincts, I would have to say that its a good thing. Its pretty much pre-ordering except you pay the full price, and get it the day it comes out with no hassle.
I think that I really like the idea of Pre-loading. While you can't play it until the release date it certainly would be a feature useful to some people. It wouldn't make sense to argue about being able to play it now before the release since that pretty much contradicts the whole meaning of 'Pre-loading' Besides, having a Pre-load feature is definitely better than having none ^^'
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I agree with you @Jacky \:D/
I think it can be really useful to some people who might be offline when the game releases. Since they would already have it downloaded, they could join the fight or play the game right when it releases so they don't have to miss a precious second of gaming!
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Doesn't make much of a difference to be honest, but what do you guys think of the point that buyers should be able to play their game immediately? >.<)/
You can't beat being one of the first to play the game directly after its launch =P

I remember when Mario Kart 8 came out at midnight on the eShop. I purchased it as soon as it became available in my eShop's region at midnight but my download speed was terrible ;-; Everyone I knew were already racing it up while my download wasn't even 50% completed. So yeah, I'm happy this finally got implemented, but I think it should have been added a lot earlier e.e
  • #10
Preloading is great, even if I don't use it for myself. I'm sure it helps with traffic on the eshop. Instead of having 100% of digital buyers flood the shop you have less. It helps especially when it's a major game. I know there was one title that made the eshop crash when it came out, making it very difficult for people to even buy the game. Yeah it may seem silly that people don't want to wait, but if you had a long hard day you just want to come home and start a game instead of wasting hour/s ( depending on your connection) to completely download something. It's not much fun seeing everyone else having fun while you're stuck waiting.
  • #11
It sounds like an OK idea for me. Basically, the people who bought the game don't have to worry about the eshop crashing or having its servers down. Either way, they are still waiting. They can have the game bit can't play it until it is actually released, almost serving as a region lock, you can have the game bit can't play it until it is released in your country.
  • #12
Personally, the only positive thing there is to pre-loading a game I can think of is that the data load on eshop will be far less, so it won't be so likely to crash. Other than that, there's no reason to choose pre-load. Almost all the major 3DS game series games nowadays are made hastily, because of the demand, so they end up being really buggy and needing patch-fixes (eg:pokemon XY). Also, many of them come out worse than shown in pre-release videos and trailers, making you regret the purchase. Pre-loading is like pre-ordering a game that's not even finished, paying for it and then the developer can just throw a terrible final game version at you and say "here's your game, enjoy", then run off with the money. Finally, saying you want to be able to play as soon as you come back from work, school, etc. isn't actually reason enough to pay for something without knowing how good it actually is.
  • #13
I think it is bad because it will more than likely crash, and ruined the game. The only thing positive is that then you can play as soon the game is releshed but you have to update the system, so then that will probably mess up your nintindo and u wouldn't be able to use it anymore and you wouldn't be able to play or watch videos or nothing.
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  • #14
That's not how it works Puppy. When you preload the game, you download the same thing as everyone else, but you have a timer on your game preventing you from playing.

It's just that instead of starting the download at midnight, you already downloaded the game so you can start playing right away.

I do this on PS4 and it works really well, I don't see why it wouldn't work as well on Nintendo consoles.
  • #15
I don't really see the point about preloading the game on the eshop since you get the theme code any which way if you preload or get it at midnight. I guess the preloading option is for people that like to get things done early or people who are not night owls.
  • #16
I think that it is great if you really want to get the game on release date. I think that it i only really good for LPs on YouTube and twitch etc. but for everyone else unless you want to get the game as soon as it is out there is no real point :p unless you enjoy really slow download time.
  • #17
I think that it is a great option to be able to pre-download. It allows you to download it whenever you have time instead of having to download it after the release date with a slow connection...

And I imagine that they are only activated on release date so that pre-downloaders don't have an unfair advantage over people who will get the cartridge on release date. Or maybe it's just because having a release date helps building hype :p
  • #18
Pre-Load has been on other consoles and I think it's a pretty great feature why not add it?
It would help users with slower wifi download the game early to not wait several hours or days before even playing gam while others are already playing