The Masochistic Hardcore Player XP
Towns Folk
while i loved the HD graphics and display on the wii u version of resident evil revelations, along with the new enemy called wall blisters (these were cool to see in the HD versions i think heh
), the biggest complaint i have about this is the raid mode. where i feel capcom really messed up here is with the crazy store prices and minimized BP payout (magnums were too expensive and not worth it, even ammo refills were too much). i understand the reason for adding a recommended level system to make the trinity bonus tougher to get, and this is perfectly ok on its own, but i think it wouldve been better if they didnt drastically reduce overall payout for being over, only minus the low level bonus so we have to go in at lets say level 45 for stage x on abyss, but we still get a fair amount for going in at level 50. this made it pretty tough for me to get into raid on revelations 1 (the store prices were most problematic for me), and i went back to the campaign numerous times to farm the BP back. i understand why they wanted to revise the raid system, and while this is fine with me, i feel they could have been a bit more forgiving here when they released the console versions, especially for new or less skilled players or people who wanna play and simply relax, like the way we could still get the same reward in revelations 2's raid mode but if we went into lets say the first level at level 2 (above recommended), we got the same amount of experience and gold but would be unable to get the challenge medal by doing this. store prices overall and ammo refills were more reasonable in revelations 2. you got the same stuff in quantity for doing stages above the given level, but you cant get the complete medal or the challenge medal like that (which was useful if you were stuck or couldnt do it at said level). did anyone else have trouble with the above in revelations 1 (3ds doesnt apply to the problem described here)?