Ranking the Zelda 3D Games

  • Thread starter V_Weeb
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Ashe Trash
Towns Folk
Here is my list(Sorry if i offended someone i didn't mean too ;_,

5. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Dungeons: Good
Story: Good
Sidequest: Good
Everything about OOT is good and a lot of fun but it feels like something is missing, A great game.

The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask
Dungeons: Great but i want moooore,
Story: Great
Sidequest: Perfect
The only thing i didn't like about MM was the 3 day mechanic and the dungeon shortage which is why this is number 4, Still a great game though

3. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
I really enjoyed the dark story but sometimes it felt a little forced sometimes but still great and some sidequest was pretty tedious but there is just something about this game that i love, . I really liked/enjoyed the dungeons and puzzles. oh yeah Midna she is the best

2. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Dungeons: Great
Story: Great
Sidequest: Good
Suprise! I actually liked the motion controls. At first i didn't like it because i was left handed and it felt weird using it but then i changed to my right hand and practiced using it and the game became 100% better. And imo this has the best dungeon designs(not puzzles just the design!).

1. The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
Sidequest: Better then Great
The HD version looks the best but the gamecube version holds up today, I really enjoyed Sailing the seas and discovering new islands but the game was a bit easy for me luckily there is hero mode for the HD version which made it a bit harder and fun for me.

Let me know how you would rate the games.
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3D Zelda <3

Let's see:

5) Skyward Sword: make no mistake, SS is one of my favorite games ever, and I particularly love almost everything about it.
What makes it 5th on this list is the rather mediocre plot development, which is kinda all over the place, treating characters with huge potential like Fi and Link's Loftwing pretty badly. Definitely not a bad story though, just meh. Also, some technical design issues (no, not the motion controls, those are perfect) like how Fi interrups the player at every moment instead of making her rants optional, or how horribly slow the text scrolls.

However, it's still not just my 5th favorite 3D Zelda, but my 5th favorite Zelda, period, and one of my favorite games ever; the insane motion swordplay is just fascinating and far surpasses any other motion-based swordplay, I personally never encountered a single issue with them, so I cannot understand when people bash them. The visuals are stunning considering the Wii's outdated-on-arrival hardware, and thanks to the wonderful artstyle and the impressionist-like filter, it definitely holds up very well. The orchestral music is top notch, albeit sadly underutilized, but no issues here. Dungeon and overworld design, while I've seen people bash them for linearity, I find it to be their greatest strength due to how action-packed and puzzle oriented they are, with very high content density.

4) Wind Waker: another one of my favorite games ever, it added great depth and variation to the series with it's absolutely brilliant artstyle and physics engine, character development, exploration and much more fluid combat system than even OoT's and MM's. However, it does have flaws, like the annoying and padding sailing, which while sometimes fun, just bogs down the game, and it's rock bottom difficulty which is not alleviated by the fast paced combat system and rather bland enemy AI. Still, it's strenghts far outweigh it's shortcomings with it's great amount of content to explore, lighthearted approach despite the rather horrifying story, great music plus all the positives I mentioned earlier.

3) Twilight Princess: one of the most memorable games I've ever played <3 TP has lately seen a higher amount of people bashing it for truly hypocritical reasons, and I completely disagree with all of them, that said, it still has some issues, but nothing that can possibly bring this one down. The visuals are particularly stunning, having aged nicely compsred to other games with "realistic" visuals (despite the fact that TP isn't even realistic...) The clear, flowing water, the twilight effect and the sky are just the tip of the iceberg. The variable mix the game makes with music depending on what's occurring atm can deliver a more emotional and immersive approach to the soundtrack, which already has many awesome pieces. The combat is greatly evolved even from WW, with different learnable swordplay techniques that, unlike WW, add variety while not sacrificing the game's challange. The world, while barren at first sight, hides many, many little secrets to find as well as bigger content and collectables. The dungeons are some of the best in the series, with clever puzzles and great progression depth. But definitely the best parts of the game are the atmosphere snd plot, I haven't seen any other game, Zelda or not Zelda, pull off an atmosphere like this ever since, emanating a great sense of pressure and yet relaxation at the same time, as oxymoronic as it may sound, which is greatly helped by both the artstyle and soundtrack.

2) Majora's Mask: an absolutely flawless game, in reality, it's only on the 2nd place because the next one is nostalgia-heavier on me, but both are on the same level, and way beyond the others. While others in the series focused on the main story, MM gave a greater emphasis on character development and side stories, with the truly genius implementation of the time limit plus real time NPC movement plus the transformation masks, it gave way to astounding replay value and character interaction. The overworld, small and all, is very much content-dense and varied. The dungeons pack all the content of OoT into 4 epic designs with challange further emphasized by the time limit.
The time-varied music and gloomy visuals make an atmosphere that definitely was the best one I saw on a game until TP came around, with many different feelings being emanated throughout the day, culminating either in complete, crushing despair despite your effort, or a massive sense of fulfillment at the end. It's plot, sparse and all, made you actually care for the characters without putting them in front of you all the time, simply by seeing them, how they act, what they say and the great variation depending on your own actions it's absolutely brilliant.

1) Ocarina of Time: I have no words to truly express how awesome this game is. Single-handedly created way for any and all action-adventure games on 3D environments, it's offerings towards the game industry are incalculable, basically every single 3D game takes elements either from this game, or Super Mario 64. It set the groundwork for all the future 3D Zeldas, as well. Completely flawless in it's presentation, with no sacrifice made to none of it's elements, plot, combat, exploration, characters and atmosphere, all of them are evenly balanced whereas even future Zeldas would give one the shorter end of the stick for the other. Yes, newer games have done some better thsn this, but none have made it as equally good on all aspects as this. Pretty much a cornerstone for gaming in general.

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