Rants About Games

  • Thread starter KeroseneZanchu
  • Start date


Absolute Idiot
Towns Folk
Here is a place where you can rant about frustrating experiences in games, bad choices Nintendo or another gaming company has made, or anything else for that matter. Just keep it on a game-related basis, and we're good. Feel free to comment on other's rants, and provide input for them. Also, these rants can be short or long, it doesn't have to be the size of the Dictionary to qualify as a rant.

I'll start by talking about one of the most frustrating things in Pokemon games: Catching an Abra. Unless you have a trapping move, ability, or item, you have to catch it on the first turn or else it flees with Teleport. Not to mention it's a great pain in Nuzlockes if it happens to be your first Pokemon on the route. (Speaking of which, Raikou and Entei are terrible in Nuzlockes as well)
So true, for me it's freaking Zapdos in Pokémon X. Just to catch it you have to run into ten to twelve times and you don't even get the opportunity to catch it until it goes to the Cave. You don't know how many times I get excited when I see see only to realize I can't catch it yet. It's so annoying and frustrating.
The most frustrating thing is cheap difficulty in Castlevania 3. The first one was hard, but if you keep playing it, you can breeze through every stage. Castlevania 3, however, male's long stages on purpose and a boss that is there to insta kill you. The long stages were designed to make you easily mess up and eat at your lives. By the time you make it to the boss, you are almost dead. Btw, the hardest boss is Death (Grim Reaper)
I'm frustrated that we never get the games we want on the eshop like rhythm heaven the best plus or cubic ninja. But the most frustrating thing Nintendo has been doing is limiting amiibo stocks because it is annoying and irritating. Espacially thet Captain falcon and little mac amiibo. In fact one of the Disney infinity game directors said that what Nintendo was doing was cruel to their hardcore fans which I do absolutely agree with his statement.
The thing that almost all of the game companies these days abandom the dungeon building genre almost entirely. Think about it, you create a dungeons, lay traps and share it for other players to play, that would be totally awesome and with somany rresources comsume game out there i dont see why it is not possible either.