PC Robocraft - Best PC Game Ever

  • Thread starter jamesnail12
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Ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh Nerd
Towns Folk
If you like futuristic robot sandbox games, then this is perfect for you.
LINK: www.robocraftgame.com
Needs 1GB RAM on windows, 4GB any other OS
i5 recommended, Pentium minimum
1GB HDD space minimum, 4GB recommended
Robocraft is a game where you build a robot and drive it into battle. When I say build, not like Spore or anything. I mean from ground ZERO. YOU are given the cubes to build something. YOU are the designer. No pre-made bot chassis that you must stick with. There are lots of weapons, such as SMG, Plasma Cannons, Railguns (sniper), and Nanobeams (medic). You can fly with Aerofoils (wings), or be a tank with caterpillar tracks (tank treads). You can also use wheels to move, or hoverblades to, well, HOVER. It has a very unique ranking system that I haven't seen before. It is a must-play for any hardcore PC gamer!
SYSTEMS:Windows, Mac, Linux (Yeah!)
SPECS:See the spoiler above