Pok_E 16
Restricted user
Towns Folk
gameboy had 1 screen correct 3ds and other sorts of ds has 2 screens correct yeh so what if it had 3 screens do u think they ever will be a 3 screens game system or maybe even 4 or 5 nah thats over doing it or if u could conect 4 3ds togetehr an it makes one big one an the screen ends up joining up so its lots times bigger will that work it will be awesoem 4 conected together making a giant scare exampel yeh thought here who thinks this will be cool you no like on the wii on mario kart it splits screens in 4 that could be like the normals 3ds and when its 1p it covers hole screen so the 4 seperate 3ds could be like the slitscreen thing and just conect an presto its a 1p masive 3ds size of 4