Season of games!!!!!

  • Thread starter Kakea
  • Start date


Towns Folk
Fall's almost here!!! And I'm SO excited because of the many games released in the holidays! Which games are you EXCITED to see finally this year!? I want to see: Yoshi's Wooly World,Yokai Watch and Zelda U!!!
(I know it WON'T be here this holiday,I wish it could be though....) What games are excited to see come out!?
I can't wait!!! :D
Fall's almost here!!! And I'm SO excited because of the many games released in the holidays! Which games are you EXCITED to see finally this year!? I want to see: Yoshi's Wooly World,Yokai Watch and Zelda U!!!
(I know it WON'T be here this holiday,I wish it could be though....) What games are excited to see come out!?
I can't wait!!! :D
Xenoblade X (Collector Or Nothing!) + Starfox Zero + Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (Screw Spike and Chunsoft for taking Europe for casual plebs, I'm really importing it!). My wallet won't enjoy this that much though...
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Awesome!! I wish I had money to import games! I can't wait 'til this fall! But I need to make SOME money before then or all I could is look at them... I'm still excited though! :D
Yup, many many awesome games coming :cat: I'm really excited for Triforce Heroes and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. I still haven't decided which one to get first though >.< I hope other people here get Triforce Heroes because multiplayer will be awesome, then I might think of getting that :p
I REALLY want to get Yoshi's Wooly World because it's 2 co-op!!! If you can use a Wilmote, then it's going to be AWESOME! I love co-op games! Especially when they have the gameplay where you can't kill each other...(I hated that on New Super Mario Bros Wii... we killed each other CONSTANTLY!!!)
Fall already? I'm honestly still waiting for Delta Emerald >.> I will wait forever if Nintendo makes me... #DeltaEmerald4Evah. I'm also waiting for Splatoon 2. JK. That'll be in 2020, right after Kanye West gets elected president of the United States .-.
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Delta Emerald? What is that? Was it shown at E3? I didn't get to see all of it thanks to the WiFi....