Second Hand Scores!

  • Thread starter TribstyAnn
  • Start date

Have You ever gotten an amazing buy from a second hand shop?

  • Yes! Absolutely! Second hand stores are awesome!

  • No. I never find anything good.

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Towns Folk
So yesterday I went second hand shopping with my mom and sister. I like second hand shopping, but I usually don't buy much, because I don't usually find anything good. We were at St. Vinnie's, and I was looking in one of their glass cases, and saw a ton of old Atari games. I was a little angry and thought, "Why are there never any NES games at second hand shops?"
I looked into the other glass case, and lo and behold were a few NES games. Mario 2, Yoshi's Cookie, and a few others. I bought both Yoshi's cookie, and Mario 2, for only 8 dollars. I took them home and cleaned them, and they worked on the first try. They are both games that are super fun, and I had wanted for a long time, and I was super happy to have gotten both of them very cheap.
There were three other games that I didn't get: Wheel of Fortune, Jaws, and Joshua. The Joshua game wasn't officially licensed, and was in a weirdly shaped black cartridge. Does anyone know if this is a bootleg game, or if it just wasn't released officially, because if it is like super rare and valuable or something, I might go back and get it.
Anyway, I was wondering if you have gotten any really good scores from second hand stores, or garage sales. It doesn't have to be video game related.