PkMn XY/ORAS Selling any pokemon for 3 Pc

  • Thread starter purplecatmaster
  • Start date


New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
I'm selling any pokemon just request and it's yours. Legendries will very in price off how rare, event, or game. Thank you and have a great day.
How much for jirachi!
Can you give out mega stones too? If so I would like a Torchic with a mega stone and no nickname.

Do you have proof of having all of the pokemon?
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got mew???
Dose anyone think it would be a good idea to check for proof?!?!:mad:
shiny eevee
i would like a lucario can you make it shiny if you cant than its okay and can you make it lvl 100?
Do you have shaymin? :bag: