Shia LaBeouf story in verse!

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Lime Pawpaw
Towns Folk
Since that hilarious Shia LaBeouf song by Rob Cantor is now going through some of our heads, I thought we'll make our own extended extended extended song about... you guessed it! :D

We just keep lengthening it in its form .-. I'll begin.


You're walking through a graveyard at night when you see him perched on a headstone
He jumps like The Fear and lands in front of you
You try to run back the way you came
But what if he outruns you?

Marathon runner, Shia LaBeouf;
Champion sprinter, Shia LaBeouf;
Nike's darling, Shia LaBeouf;
Usain Bolt 2, Shia LaBeouf.

And so we keep continuing this :)

Warbird (@ShiaLabeouf) is gonna love this ;giggle:
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You continue running through the woods
Hoping that you'll lose superstar Shia LaBeouf
But wait! You trip over a log and fall into a bear trap!
Now you have blood oozing from your stump leg.

(okay, that may actually be from the original but who cares :giggle:)
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Clicking on his profile, Shia LaBeouf.
Seeing that he follows you, Shia LaBeouf.
Now he's right behind youuuu...
You have been murdered by Shia LaBeouf.

:giggle: post the link to the video up there ^
Nuuuuu :<

You're supposed to continue the story where the previous person left it off. You're currently getting chased. Now what? :eek:
Okay, I changed it. xD