shoud i pick digital or physical

  • Thread starter ZotackShinta
  • Start date


Towns Folk
hey guys i wanna know if digital is better than physical, im actually gonna buy a newly released games.
I think digital is better than physical because when you buy a game on E-shop online then you won't lose it because it will forever be there until you delete to make some space in your 3ds settings or if you prefer physical then try to keep it in a save place ,so you won't lose it @ZotakShinta I hope my answer could of helped you choose to buy either physical or digital games.
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Reactions: ZotackShinta
Digital is nice because of the fact you don't need to insert a game into the system and it's already available to play from the 3DS. However, if at all possible, I love getting the physical games. It feels great to be able to have the box and game and be able to hold them in hand. I'm a collector too so having the physical copy feels that much better to have. It's really based on preference I'd say.
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Reactions: Bidoof and ZotackShinta
Thx for the answers guys well i already have 3 physical games and 3 digital tho so yeah.

As long as you have a big enough SD card, you can carry around your games without taking up physical space, which is awesome, and they still have manuals <3
phisical advantages:
-you can sell or return it if you regret for buying the game (it happened me more than one time) or if you are sure that you dont want to play it again,for example, the only reason to play zero escape saga is the history, and when you finish the games, then you cant do anything more in the game than watching scenes and playing the same puzzles

- if the game is old normally it will be cheapier in phisical
-second hand

digital advantages:
-you can buy them in your house
-you will get my nintendo coins (altrougth I only used it for the two free games and nothing more)
-you can carry all the games withouth occupy space(well, in wiiu is useless unless you want go on vacacion or something)
There is already a full thread "do you like to buy physical or digital" (or something) if you want opinions.

when you buy a game on E-shop online then you won't lose it because it will forever be there until you delete to make some space in your 3ds settings
I didn't know "forever" meant "until Nintendo closes their servers".

Anyway, I always buy physical to be able to possess the game forever (the real forever this time) but I then install digital versions since it's more convenient, as others said.
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Reactions: KnighddDd
I love getting the physical copies of the game. I'm trying to be a collector but money is a really big issue for me >.> to be honest, I felt more excited about possessing the physical copy of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon than I was for the digital copy of Pokemon X or Alpha Sapphire even though I don't like Mystery Dungeon series that much :p
  • #10
do physical because if you want to play it on muitiple devices than thats the way to go
  • #11
Digital if the game doesn't offer much, in terms of gameplay or options.
Physical (retail) if the game interests you in a lot of ways. (more than the negative).
  • #12
Physical copies all the way. I can sell my games once they are untouched, and in case I end up selling the console, I can sell the physical games separately. My only problem with physical games is the tedious process of switching discs whenever I want to play a new game.
  • #13
It depends if you have enough storage on your system, if you have alot go for it. Having digital games on the 3DS has a some pros and a few cons.
Pros: You can play games on the go without bringing a lot of cartridges. You can also get gold Mynintendo points to save up for future Mynintendo rewards.
Cons: Full games can take up a lot of storage space. If system's storage data is corrupted the game is deleted and gameplay will be deleted too leaving you to play your game all the way from scratch.