Should animals be "put down" if they badly injure someone?

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Should animals be "put down" if they badly injure someone?

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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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In your opinion, should animals that badly injure a human be "put down"?

Let's say a dog bites off a baby's face, to be blunt. Would you have the dog killed or would you let it continue to live its life like nothing happened? The animal does not have to kill someone btw. It could have caused a bad injury too.
depends, if the animal attacks because the attacked did something stupid (like hitting a dog or jumpin the fences in a zoo) then is a definitive no, otherwise it gets more complex
Absolutely not. Most of the time, it’s the person’s fault if they get injured, like if they try to do a stupid trick, or abusing the animal, etc. etc. The animal is just following instinct, and it did nothing wrong in it’s own eyes.

Now, if it was not the person’s fault at all, and the animal did it due to rabies or some other disfunction, then yes, putting it down would be the best thing to do.
Listen, in my opinion, if the animal attacks, it is usually a human's fault, and because of this, the animal should not be punished for something that a human did. However, if the person did nothing wrong, or did something on accident, I believe that the animal should not be punished immediately, but to be treated in some way or fashion besides euthanasia