should i buy xbox 360 or one or ps3 or 4

  • Thread starter ash280103
  • Start date

which should i buy???

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The Hero in Green
Towns Folk
I want to buy a console and its really bugging me. please give suggestions
PS4 because I am an rpg fan and wish to play the next gen games at an actual high resolution (kek)
well i dont know but here are some tips
Xbox 360:red ring of death which can break the 360,and doesent have any backwards compatibillity
Xbone:Not to bad as you think but it only has 1st person shooters, no backwards compatibilliy
Ps3:Great console ,has some good games,and has backwards compaitibillity matters by model thouggh(model1 ps1 and ps2 games)(any new model of the ps3 only plays ps1 games)
Ps4:pretty good console,no new game just ps3 and xbox games,no backwards compatibilliy.
so thats what i know to help you pick over all Ps3 or Ps4 would be my choice
The PS3, it has some really good games on it like Ratchet and Clank, Final Fantasy, GTA 5, and more. You could probably pick it up for pretty cheap, now that the PS4 has been released for a while.

Not really a huge fan of PS4, it needs better games, and I don't think it's worth it's current price tag.
Xbox 360 or PS3, the Xbone and the PS4 just aren't worth buying right now, I'd advise to research the games available on both systems to see which best suits you.
Out of those two, I suggest the playstation 3 because it is a good previous generation console that you might find a good price for. It also has many good games like Grand Theft auto 5, Ratchet and clank and some great RPGs like Final fantasy, Kingdom hearts and dark soul. And some games for ps4 are still getting released on ps3, so that is definetely a plus
PS3 has more than enough games to keep you busy for years (and its cheap 5 games for £20 good games too) but if you're the sort that likes to preorder games (limited or not) PS4 would be more appropiate, i wouldnt get the xboxes since they charge you to get access to Google