Should I Level Up to Level 100?

  • Thread starter SaiSymbolic
  • Start date


The user of Hermit Purple
Towns Folk
Literally just got into IV and EV training a couple of days but I was wondering if it was necessary to level my pokemon all the way to 100? I know some battles automatically lower the levels to 50 but like...should I waste time getting my pokemon to 100? Do I lose some of the IVs I could get if leveled them completely or something if I don't? The time I'm using to level them all the way up, I could be struggling with breeding and such.

Thanks in advance for the replies~!
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Only if you're playing with flat rules. If you select the option to automatically set Pokemon to level 50 for online battles, you do not have to train your Pokemon to 100. All of my tournaments here aren't going to have flat rules btw.

You should also know that at level 50, Pokemon with 30 IVs in a stat acts the same as 31 IVs.
Only if you're playing with flat rules. If you select the option to automatically set Pokemon to level 50 for online battles, you do not have to train your Pokemon to 100. All of my tournaments here aren't going to have flat rules btw.

You should also know that at level 50, Pokemon with 30 IVs in a stat acts the same as 31 IVs.

Thanksies, Marc~! XD
I honestly do not think the level your Pokemon is affects the stats of the Pokemon if it is higher than 50. Normal rules must put the base stats of the Pokemon into play and not the stats they are when they are level 100. Flat Rules might do that though as the leveled down Pokemon might have higher stats than lv.50 counterparts. IVs are more important than level imo as I used to do that but what really mattered was the IVs instead.
It's not necessarily a must to go all the way to hundred, But It's a lot more convenient to have at least one team that can battle without level caps. Again, Not necessarily a must.
Unless you're playing in the ultra super serious competitions, the rules will be set level to 50. So getting to 100 is going to be a waste of your time. Levelling past 50 won't affect your stats in anyway. IVs on the other hand, while being less of a big deal than at level 100, still do affect the stats noticeably and should probably be prioritized over levels. Natures also are more important than levelling.
Basically breed near perfect pokemon first, then worry about fully levelling up