Should Nintendo Badges be tradeable?

  • Thread starter Arronchard
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Mastr Quikskop3r!!!!!!
Towns Folk
Now I spend alot of time on the badge arcade (I have 45 badges all from the free plays #nolife) But some of them are really hard to get, and when I do my brothers badges on his 2DS he seems to have different badge games compared to mine, So if they give different people different badges a day, do you think it's a good idea to introduce a trading system? Like if you had someone on your friends list playing the same time you do for instance, you could invite them to swap badges, I have a few doubles from trying to get the hardest badges (I've spent at least 8 free goes on trying to get Mew and ended up just flinging off Drowzee by mistake tons of times -_-) What do you guys think on the idea anyway?
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I have to say that would be an interesting and helpful feature for those who have trouble trying to get badges they want. :thumbsup:
For example,I have been attempting to nab all of the "Mario & Friends" set badges since day one of my playthrough,and thus far,I've managed to catch more than half of them,but there are still some that have been giving me the jeebies to collect since the first day I spent my free plays on them.It would be helpful to have someone to trade a small number of their badges that I don't have to fasten up my completion's progress,avoiding less trouble by doing so,and who knows?Maybe I'll be able to help the other person's collection as well! :p
I think that'd likely motivate other people to continue playing more frequently and complete certain badge sets,as they won't have to just depend on the free/paid plays to get badges,so the idea does have some promise in there. :)
I think that a trading system would actually be neat and it should totally be a thing :p Or maybe a gifting system would also work in a similar idea. It'd be helpful for those who want to collect all the badges. It'll probably only be locally trade in my opinion because Nintendo doesn't usually do such things online xD
That would be a really cool idea, but I don't think that nintendo would go for it. As some people use homebrew to make their own badges what would happen if someone traded one that had something inappropriate on it... there goes the swapnote thing again....
It's one of the features I really wanted to be in the Badge Arcade, and it would be really intresting, but they will not do it. I don't know why they will not do that, it's really disappointing.
Even though i wanted that to happen, i have to say that it is impossible.
If they add a feature like that, Nintendo would lose profit from that game. Of the universe that uses Badge Arcade, about 10% spend money to by grabs. It might not sound like a lot but if the game wasn't profiting, they would stop it and find another way of getting badges (MyNintendo, for example). If trading was enabled, most of those 10% would stop buying grabs because if 2% are able to get all the badges available and are able to trade them, soon all players would have all badges at the cost of 2000€ instead of 150000€ (this amounts are just for scale), meaning an huge drop in Nintendo's profit from Badge Arcade.
They could minimize it and only allow trading badges through local connection but it would still mean a profit loss (even if minimal).
Though intriguing, I wouldn't see this working too well just because of how different all of the badges are from each other, plus the game uses real money, so it'd be unfair for people who spent their many dollars on obtaining every single badge. It would be a much different case if the app didn't use real currency imo.
I wish we had tradeable Badges, there are a lot of badges I want to decorate my 3DS menu, like that Pikachu one for my Pokémon games folder :/
I wouldn't be opposed to the idea. I have so many repeated badges, I'd really love to trade some of them for ones that I've missed in the past >.< However, like mentioned before, Nintendo would stop getting profits from the game and they'd probably stop supporting it. I could see them restricting it in some way though, like putting another paywall ($5-10) in order to enable trading, limiting it to 1 trade a day or locking the feature to local trading.
  • #10
That would be a wicked idea! Trading is perfect so when u get a badge you don't like you can see who wants it for something u want o.o why didn't Nintendo think of this ... Sadly I fear we don't got many big updates left for the 3DS due to NX but I hope this can be a real thing ! That would be awesome !
  • #11
I think this would be a great idea! It can be difficult to get complete sets, especially if you're not the one to pay for plays. I have a lot of extras which I have no use for. Nintendo should introduce this feature in a future update. We can dream, can't we? xD
  • #12
That would be a really cool idea, but I don't think that nintendo would go for it. As some people use homebrew to make their own badges what would happen if someone traded one that had something inappropriate on it... there goes the swapnote thing again....
This, pretty much.

Cool sounding, but completely abusable in not-so-cool ways
  • #13
it would help very much. but nintendo wont do it because nintendo likes money (¿who not?)
  • #14
It would be an interesting idea if we could trade them with others cause sometimes you get more then one of the same . I don't think they would ever do that tho since you have the thing to where you can pay real money to get them at times but who knows maybe one day they may make something like it that we're able to trade with other people.
  • #15
That would be a good suggestion!
I would love to give my duplicate badges to my friends
Or people here could sell badges.
  • #16
I think it would be a great idea. But only trade for other badges, so that if you have doubles or triples of any, you can trade them for a badge you don't have. But I can see the other side where the arcade could lose money on paid plays, say if you buy a play to get said 'traded for' badge, so, I don't think it'll happen. :\