Smash Bros. 4 Tier List

  • Thread starter Iso Kilo
  • Start date
Iso Kilo

Iso Kilo

Sonic 1 Hacker
Towns Folk
Hey do you ever wonder to yourself sometimes "Why do I suck at Smash?", well maybe it's not you but it could just be the character you select. So in Smash there is a tier list ranging from D to S+, S+ is the best in speed and other stats. After you see a high class character you like why not select them and learn how to play with them, if you learn well enough you may be able to be professional fighter!

Sorry as mentioned by Slayerpon the tier list above is outdated so I have found a tier list that is no longer outdated and also has Cloud, Corrin and Bayonetta.
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Hey do you ever wonder to yourself sometimes "Why do I suck at Smash?", well maybe it's not you but it could just be the character you select. So in Smash there is a tier list ranging from D to S+, S+ is the best in speed and other stats. After you see a high class character you like why not select them and learn how to play with them, if you learn well enough you may be able to be professional fighter!
What type of tier list... This is outdated because it doesn't even have Corrin, Bayonetta, Or Cloud.

2. Jigglypuff would not be that high, as she is the worst in the game now.

3. Mewtwo is so much higher now, along with Ryu who is S while Mewtwo is A+

4. Whoever put mii Gunnar and sword fighter high is just wrong. Samus is also higher.

That is all

EDIT: I just realized that this is the tier list from 1.0.5 I believe. 11 patches too late