Challenge Smashing! - A Super Smash Bros. 3DS Tournament

  • Thread starter Frisk
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Keyblade Wielders
Banned User
(Ugh, i havent done a tournament in so freaking long....)
Yup, its another cancerous tournament, time to get down to it then...

Hello and welcome to my tournament for Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. This is a tourney where all the people who think they've got what it takes to be the best come and fight each other for a solitary prize: the bucket.

So lets get down to it, the entrance fee is 3 pc for all participants, and the winner will recieve all of the pc entered in the tournament, and to keep it fair, i will not be participating in the tourney. The winner of this tournament will be crowned the Smash Chanpion, and will have a free entrance in the next tournament. (If they choose to join.)

Here are the rules:
Omega Stages ONLY
No Items
No Miis
2 Stock
5 Minutes

Any violation of these rules will result in you being disqualified AND you will not recieve a refund for your entrance fee.

And with that, it's time to settle it in smash! (pls kill me...)
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