So are people who don't live in the US...

  • Thread starter Igloo
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NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
As you know there will be playable smash at best buy.... PLAYABLE SMASH... at best buy only :/

last time they had 3 or 4 upcoming wii u games including mario kart 8 once again only at best buy. For some people who lives in other countries will have been screwed from their chance to play smash early.

I understand that the US is the bigger market but I really hope ninty put up some demo units in Game or another store like that.
awh...they're so lucky they get to play smash first hand. Not fair at all. They should make demos like smash playable in other countries too. Then we're all happy. xD
Only other countries that I can think that may get smash demos would be Canada and the UK.
Only other countries that I can think that may get smash demos would be Canada and the UK.

If they could give demos to France that would be amazing, or they could partner up with Gamestop and Gamestop could send out demos to demo devices across all their stores (even though they don't have too many, and in France Gamestop would have to be MicroMania instead).