Some things i dislike about the original megaman games

  • Thread starter BulletBill1019
  • Start date


Pokemon Master
Towns Folk
Some things i don't like about the megaman games is that they put the enemies in the most irritating places,like in iceman's stage where you have to ride on the hovering robots.another thing i dislike about the games is the aggressiveness of the robot masters and wily's's like capcom wants you to throw your game system or controller out of frustration.don't get me wrong,i still enjoy them but these are just some of the things that aggravate me about em.
I hate a lot of the strict timing and exact pattern following that many of the original Mega Man games employed. This especially began to bug me during my first play through of Flash Man's stage, where split-second timing and doing of the lasers cost me hours of time to get through.