Stop PreJudging Games!

  • Thread starter Chibi Asriel
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Chibi Asriel

Chibi Asriel

Goat Herder
Towns Folk
So I need to rant about this real quick and this applies to all games not just one game, People need to stop prejudging games before playing them, Color Splash the newest entry in the paper Mario series was announced 3 Days ago and people in up in arms calling it the new Sticker Star, you can't say anything until you've played it, it could be a great game and you'd never had played it because you prejudged it, everyone prejudged Metroid prime Federation Force and look at it now, We got more Game play and people have changed there minds about it, giving it more Positive then negative, You can't judge a game you know little to nothing about, it would be like judging Pokemon Sun and Moon with what little we know about it!
end rant =w=
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I never judge a game I've never played. I take a good long look at it, think about if I want to own it, then I deliver judgement.
  • If I dislike it, I say it once then get going: no point in repeating myself and it's only my little opinion anyway.
  • If I find a problem in an otherwise great game, I speak up on it. I make it known.
  • If I find a good enough game, I can probably live with what problems it has if I don't mind it much.
What bugs me more than non-fans whining about things they don't play are fan-people carrying them like idols. This is a both-ways problem like light and darkness - both can be correct, and both can be completely nuts. I just stay somewhere in between.
I hate it when people prejudge games... one of my closest friends does it all the time. We'll be at Gamestop and a trailer for a new game will come on and he'll instantly start bashing everything about it... and then ends up pre ordering it. It bugs me to no end when he does that xD
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I hate it too, because if you happen to buy the game you bashed or judged then you're going to go into it hating the game and you won't enjoy it until you're like halfway through the game. Not to mention its more fun to accept the game for what it is.
So I need to rant about this real quick and this applies to all games not just one game, People need to stop prejudging games before playing them, Color Splash the newest entry in the paper Mario series was announced 3 Days ago and people in up in arms calling it the new Sticker Star, you can't say anything until you've played it, it could be a great game and you'd never had played it because you prejudged it, everyone prejudged Metroid prime Federation Force and look at it now, We got more Game play and people have changed there minds about it, giving it more Positive then negative, You can't judge a game you know little to nothing about, it would be like judging Pokemon Sun and Moon with what little we know about it!
end rant =w=
The moment a person sees something they don't like or agree with, what's the natural reaction? Whining, complaining, chastising, and plenty of other verbs lol. It's only human nature and it'll never go away. However, what you're doing is correct: having optimism/faith in the unreleased games. That's all it takes for some people to come to the realization that a game still has potential. If only everyone looked at the currently unreleased games like Color Splash and Federation Force objectively, it would reduce the amount of in-the-end pointless debates and discussions.

On the flip-side, however, there are some people who respectfully give their opinion on a game (aka constructive criticism :p) - such as exactly what it is that they don't like about the game, why they dislike it, and make legitimate suggestions as to what they think could be done to rectify an aspect of the game they don't particularly like. And sometimes, opinions like these are the ones game developers listen to in order to improve their games. With that being said, without negative feedback, some games could have possibly turned out for the worse.

But yeah, most negativity toward these games consist of butt-hurt Nintendo fans only wanting to vent out their heart and soul, yet them doing so benefits no one in the end. xD
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People are allowed to pre judge a game however. If it's a new concept or something that seems silly, they are allowed to do so. However, you can't say you dislike the gameplay if you never played it. But you can say "I don't like the design or the gimmick they are planning to add" that stuff is acceptable
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Can't stop all gaming ignorance. It's up to us, the real fans, to respectfully voice our opinions over what the video-game industry is doing right/wrong. These days, the right words can change a game for the better. ...Or the worst depending on who you ask.

These days, industries need critique, just the more tangible ones anyway. Hate for no good reason is usually ignored by those guys "in another castle."
I don't have to play a game to know if it's good or not, I can watch gameplay & read reviews & pretty easily judge if it's a good game or not.

And why am I not allowed to judge a game coming out later this year? I've seen footage of it, I know it's mechanics, and I've even seen some of its main features and yet people get mad at me and say "Your not allowed to say you don't like it because it's not out yet," even though I've seen a lot of the game.

Am I allowed to judge a game and say "I think the game looks awesome" before it releases?

Those are my thoughts, lol.
I think that prejudging can become a bit crazy, but there's usually reasoning behind it.
People just hope that games will or won't be a certain way, and they become distressed if they feel that the creators made a wrong turn in development. Although this pre judgement may be seen as just hate towards the series, it can actually be useful information. If an extremely large number of people speak out, the game creators might realize what their consumers want to see, and do better next time.
However, these pre judgements shouldn't be final until they play or experience the game themselves, when they can form a final judgement.
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  • #10
Yep, the amount of whining can be so stupid sometimes and to see people all angry over Federation Force was kinda confusing, it looks like a genuinely good game and a Metroid spin-off (I think) where you can fight monsters with three other players ONLINE on 3DS sounds like a great addition to it's library - Nintendo screwed up by not showing like one clip of Samus and the rest of that E3 being kinda bad but people have these massive reactions when something is released and hate it as if it's not going to be quite good.

On the other hand, I can accept when people question Nintendo making a game that seems to have a bad design and gameplay mechanics and have genuinely seen more than a 30 second trailer.
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  • #11
It depends on the situation.
Sometimes a game really is crap if the trailer makes it look like crap.
The Doom 4 trailer only showed bland kill moves,people get the beta and guess what?
The Beta mostly is bland kill moves.
You even NEED to use kill moves in it to defeat enemies(ill save the mulitplayer beta rant up for somewhen else).
And now,theres the nostalgia blind "Its not exactly 100% like my favorite game from the franchise so it must suck site"
Now i think thats only me,but i tend to prejudge games as crap if they only show Pre Rendered CGI Trailers on Previews(like E3),due to it seeming like the devs either are rushing out game content BEFORE the game is even PARTIALLY finished or either like their game is too bad to actually show.
I usually have the hope that the developers can save it though.
And then theres just games being so overhyped,that not even the best game in human history could keep up to the exspectations.(I could make examples,but the list is endless anyways)
  • #12
I think that a part of the pre-judging depends on the person who is pre-judging whatever game. Some just have specific expectations and preference for what a game should be/shouldn't be/whatnot and because of that, it results in a bland pre-judging of a game. I rather wait for the actual game to release and see/play a good amount to then judge a game.
  • #13
I think the concept of pre-judging depends upon person to person. One may find a trailer of a game interesting whereas another person might have a different opinion. Whatever the reason, one should not think of a game as described by someone else. Its a crime :dead:

You don't judge a book by its cover, so don't judge the game on based on what you heard.
  • #14
I'm allowed to say that I've played a certain game but didn't like it myself right?

If there's a game everyone's raving about in a very toxic manor, I have had the bad habit of avoiding said game. But I will examine the game and form my opinion. (Personally, because apparently I'll potentially be flamed for it.) And no one has the right to tell me what my opinion is.
  • #15
So I need to rant about this real quick and this applies to all games not just one game, People need to stop prejudging games before playing them, Color Splash the newest entry in the paper Mario series was announced 3 Days ago and people in up in arms calling it the new Sticker Star, you can't say anything until you've played it, it could be a great game and you'd never had played it because you prejudged it, everyone prejudged Metroid prime Federation Force and look at it now, We got more Game play and people have changed there minds about it, giving it more Positive then negative, You can't judge a game you know little to nothing about, it would be like judging Pokemon Sun and Moon with what little we know about it!
end rant =w=

Honestly, I have hope of Color Splash being an actually a good game, but I agree that by just looking at the trailer (the Japanese one, to be exact) it looks like it's going to be Sticker Star 2, and please Color Splash, please don't be Sticker Star 2

  • #16
Ive been guilty of prejudging games =/
I saw a friend playing Harvest Moon and it looks so childish
Man was I wrong....
Learned my lesson that day, tried it out and love it like frosting love cake @__@
  • #17
I try not to judge games that I've never played before. My only exception to this rule tends to be with the Sonic series, which has earned itself a bad reputation for failing to deliver a bug free experience that also happens to include all of the features promised. On the flip side of this, I over hyped No Man's Sky, which turned out to be a big disaster that also failed to deliver on promised features.