Suggestion for best offensive fifth gen team?

  • Thread starter Markeeese
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NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
I'm forming a powerful team of offensive pokemon. My old team is retired. it had a dragonite, salamence, gengar, metagross, slaking, and hydreigon. I need a new and improved team.
My Team is:
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SnowyShinobi said:
've reworked the team a lot, but here is the current squad im running. One of my biggest problems is that im super weak to EQ, 4/6 take 2x damage, and its my biggest problem, along with ferrothorns being another major problem.


1: Deoxsys-S @ Focus Sash

Pressure. Timid

Stealth Rocks


Ice Beam


Deoxsys is my usual lead setting up hazards and taunting away other hazard setters. He does his job well, but once his hazards are set, he is basically just there to die, his attack is awful. Are there any good spreads that would allow me to effectively set up hazards and then attack if still alive.


2: Infernape @ Life orb

Iron Fist

naive. 204atk/ 52 Sp. Atk/ 252 spd

Over Heat

Close Combat

Mach Punch

Thunder Punch

Infernape is really the 'mon im most unsure of for this team, and most willing to exchange for somebody else, as long as they have some fight potential. Along with Greninja he is really frail so thats why he has a life orb, just to use his attacks as effectively as possible. Flare Blitz is just all out fire attack and does big damage, while Close Combat is for Complete fighting power. Mach punch is useful for its priority and using it just to finish of a weakened enemy. Thunder punch is good coverage against water/flying

3: Excadrill @ Air Balloon

Mold Breaker

Jolly. 4Hp/ 252 atk/ 252 spd.

Rapid Spin

Swords Dance

Earth Quake

Rock Slide

Pretty sure this is most common set for exca but it is quite effective. Exca is my spinner so he obviously has rapid spin, Earthquake can take care of pretty much any ghost that it faces, especially at +2 from a swords dance. Aside from his spinning, since he has absurb attack stats he also can function as a powerful sweeper, with the jolly nature helping achieve this.


4: Magnezone @ Choice Specs


Modest. 252Hp/ 252Sp.atk/ 4 sp def

Flash Cannon


Hidden Power (grass)

Volt Swtich

I wanted to use Magnezone for a while since i used it in B/W but couldnt find a team that it could work well with, but i think it finally fits on this team. Flash Cannon is a great STAB and is great for fairy coverage, the only move on the team i think that hits fairy effectively. Thunderbolt is also for STAB. HP fire is actually really useful and nobody expects it really, so the suprise factor really works well for me. Volt Switch is for coverage/ scoping out the enemy and getting me out of a tough spot. With Magnezone, im not sure if air balloon is the right item, i was thinking maybe a choice item would be better, but that would really limit him, and im not sure he could handle that.

5: Gyrados

Mold Breaker

Adamant. 4hp/ 252 atk/ 252Spd.


Dragon Dance

Ice Fang


Gyrados was sort of a fall back mega, i didnt know who i wanted in the 6th slot, and i just sorta picked him. He has served me well, after a dragon dance or 2 his sweeping is unreal, his bulk+ attack is crazy good. Mold Breaker is useful for EQ, waterfall is solid STAB, and ice fang is good for coverage against dragons.
Is what someone on a websaite recommonds. I think it is pretty solid and I deleted a Greninja because that isn't generation 5 :p I believe it is pretty solid but fairy type and stealth rock could totally destroy it. Find a Fairy Killer like Gengar or something like that to beat it. ;)
That is a strong team that you used to have but I suggest the fact that you change your team into a more varied types team that may work into a synergy as well . Also do you have any strategies ? Those are quite important in competitive play . Also you have to much Dragon Types . Try to check out other types so to take advantage to their useful abilities , etc .
That is a strong team that you used to have but I suggest the fact that you change your team into a more varied types team that may work into a synergy as well . Also do you have any strategies ? Those are quite important in competitive play . Also you have to much Dragon Types . Try to check out other types so to take advantage to their useful abilities , etc .
Yeah true I forgot to look at his "before" team. :panda: 3 Pokemon is 2 too many for a team until there is an exception. BTW you should try to learn about EV's, IV's, and good movesets/abilities because when someone posts like this it is usually because you don't know about it.