Summer 2016 Anime Season

  • Thread starter Marc
  • Start date


"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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The summer 2016 anime are now airing :

What do you guys plan to watch? :D

I've been waiting for the spring 2016 list to complete airing their episodes before beginning to watch them, so I may hold off from watching summer 2016 anime until I knock down a bunch from my "to-watch list" while waiting for a decent amount of summer 2016 anime episodes to be released.
I always face the dilemma of watching a show while it airs or when it's finished. I like the hype of waiting for each episode to come out and the fact that (if it's not based on a manga/light novel/visual novel) there won't be any spoilers, and just so you can say in 5 years that you've seen that show while it aired :p On the other hand, the show might go downhill (sorry Erased) and only 20 minutes a week is just not enough ;-; I usually watch 5 episodes or so and then kinda forget what exactly happened and stop watching hehe

I'm still planning to watch an anime of Summer 2016 while it airs though, it's called 91 Days. I haven't read much about the story, but I do know that it's something with mafia and the story is only 91 days long (creative names ftw). The thing that interested me is the setting, it takes place during the Prohibition in the United States, which is a lot different from your average high school setting. Not sure how this one is going to turn out, but I have hope :angelic:
The ending wasn't bad, but it just felt kinda rushed and I wasn't really expecting such an and-they-lived-happily-ever-after ending to be honest :p Still a good show though, 8/10
My main interests are ReLIFE and Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara right now, since I'm up to date on both of the mangas. I'll be keeping an eye on any others, though.
The only thing that caught my eye was Mob Psycho 100.
  • ReLife (Its Netflix like release approach grabbed my attention)
  • Mob Psycho 100 (PV looked cool and Bones usually does good adaptations, will probably be the first show I bingewatch once the season is over)
  • 91 Days
  • Amaama to Inazuma (Seems to be giving off Usagi Drop vibes and will probably give me diabetes)
These are the only shows I'm interested in
I find the concept of ReLife stupid.