Tales Of The World: Reve Unitia

  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date


Towns Folk
The game company, known as Bandai Namco games, has confirmed that a new game will be in development for the 3DS, named Tales of the world: Reve Unitia. The game is said to be based on the smartphone game, part of the same name, Tales of the world. It will be a tactics based game. There will be many familiar faces from previous Tales games, such as Natalia from Tales of the Abyss and Meredy from Tales of Eternia, to name a couple.

a new trailer shows how the gameplay will be
it's interesting imo, as i change my mind for nah to okay for this game :p

I'm more intrigued by it! I love Final Fantasy Tactics, and I won't mind if this have several features similar to the FFT series, it looks interesting. I'll keep a look out for it.
Just wanted to show the Box-Art of Tales of the World: Reve Unitia, and it looks alright!

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Cool i will wait to see his result
  • Asbel and Lloyd wake up in the unknown world of Revalia
  • Both don’t have any memories of their past aside from their names
  • The two then meet Lufres, a young child from the Lufres tribe
  • Lufres asks for their help to take on the Vule
  • On their way to the Lufres’ village to learn more about the situation from Terun, they meet Natalia
  • Natalia also awakened with no recollection of her past, but decides to travel with the group
  • When they reach the village, they realize it was under a surprise attack from the Vule
  • Protecting the young Lufres, was none other than Flynn Scifo
  • The group manage to take care of the Vule to bring momentary safety to the village
  • They don’t have any ideas as to why they’ve lost their memories, but they know about Revalia and the danger that Terun and the others are in, as Asbel and friends do everything in their power to help out
  • Terun needs to accompany the group of Tales heroes to fight the Vule
  • They first needed to make sure that the Lufres’ village could be safe, so they decide to take out the Vule on the nearby roads
  • This is where they also happen to meet Rubia
  • Leaving behind the young Terun and the others in the village, the Dream Keepers of the Lufres tribe left to a place called Melancolium in order to maintain a barrier to seal a powerful Vule
  • Nahato is the most powerful of the Dream Keepers
  • Nahato went after the Vule that managed to escape, but exhausted himself upon defeating it
  • Nahato learns about Terun and the others failing to summon those from the Awake World, who are capable of fighting against the Vule
  • Due to the failed summon, they have been spread across Revalia
  • It doesn’t take long for Nahato to meet the just-awakened Yuri and Jade
  • Both immediately sensed the dangers of the Vule around them
  • After waking up in a completely new world and without their memories, the two immediately ended up fighting right off the bat
The game looks cool, but I don't think I'll get it (if it comes to NA), it's perfect for fans of the Tales series though:
This really seems interesting. I've been a huge Tales series fan and I was looking forward to it. Considering its like FFT, I guess this game could be mostly for the fans. And also the fact that it will be better than that Tales of Asteria game.
I have heard some positive things about Tales of the Abyss. I think I'll check out a review or two before making any decisions, but so far, it looks alright. I'm interested in seeing how the turn-based combat is. Is the gameplay supposed to be strategic (like Fire Emblem: Awakening) or is it something different?
Another "Tales Of" game for the 3ds? I've been ignoring the "Tales Of" series for so long, but this game may be the one that makes me buy all the other "Tales Of" games, just so I can fully enjoy this. :)
  • #10
So glad to see more Tales games for the 3DS that I can actually play. I've watched about four through and Abyss partially before deciding to get it, so I'm looking forward to this if it actually comes over.
  • #11
I want to play it but...

Do you know Bandai Namco isn't interested to do a localization?
It will be a Japan-Only game.