Ten Step Guide: How To Git Gud at Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

  • Thread starter Furno
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Realest Of The Realest
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1: (warning cursing)
(warning cursing)
2: Use full sets till you are able to make good mix sets. Example:
2: Bring combines with you on quests and if you are low on combines use the gathering type palicoes and the Wycoon, they are effective poverty preventers.
3: Stop pinging when you don't need to, gathering, running around like a chicken without a head, sheathing your weapon every time the monster moves out of your range, abandoning quest/ending via sub quest when someone disconnects or two of three deaths were used, spam mounting, and spamming chat.
4: Never question anything good
5: Don't get cocky, that leads to your downfall pretty fast.
6: It's ok to mainly use one weapon but branch out a bit and try other weapons more than once.
7: Stop proclaiming yourself an expert and bragging, it's annoying to the rest of the community and you sound like a massive skreb.
8: Lifepowder = Mega Potion that heals your team. Dust of Life = two Mega Potions that heal your team in one use. Portable Steam Bomb = Cure all abnormal/negative status effects and helps the team. USE THEM!
9: The only time something is truly unfair is when it's Rajang, lv140 guild quest, or when a monster turns into Spamthur The Spamlord of Spamalot.
10: Use http://kiranico.com/en/mh4u if you don't know where a item comes from and you need it for sometihing.

Here are some other things I mentioned and didn't mention:
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My tip is just learn yourself and your enemy, this is essential when trying to overcome a fear of a certain monster.
Also be confident; if you aren't the quest will go down. Same for, as Furno said 'being cocky' but this time you will get instant results.
If the monster is downed (example stun/pin) and your at low health, heal please because as I learned today with shagaru, you will be punished with a cart.
Also guys try not to use cheated items to get what you want, this rewind the game and you will have a shorter experience with monster hunter.
or when a monster turns into Spamthur The Spamlord of Spamalot.
Haha! I got worse once lol.

We were against the backflip kind of Rath and we put it to sleep. We woke it up with bombs and then lag entered the game :p
The Rath started shouting, but due to lag, it assumed it started shouting earlier so it just stopped shouting and teleported in the air while we were still covering our ears, and backflipped on one of us. Then it kept teleporting and lag-cancelling all of its animations and we got rekt in less than 30 seconds :p

I can't imagine that against a lv140 Rajang :p
Haha! I got worse once lol.

We were against the backflip kind of Rath and we put it to sleep. We woke it up with bombs and then lag entered the game :p
The Rath started shouting, but due to lag, it assumed it started shouting earlier so it just stopped shouting and teleported in the air while we were still covering our ears, and backflipped on one of us. Then it kept teleporting and lag-cancelling all of its animations and we got rekt in less than 30 seconds :p

I can't imagine that against a lv140 Rajang :p

Word = Spamalot. Phrase = Spam a lot.
Word = Spamalot. Phrase = Spam a lot.
Well, for me, "spam" is more "doing the same thing (usually stupid or not requiring skill) over and over". Which wasn't what it did, it went into "glitch combo" :p

Also, another thing that is unfair is when the monster attacks you 6 times in a row (including stunning moves so you can't even play with your rising invincibility frames) without even anyone having Sneak or you having Taunt...
What I consider spam in MonHun is when they repeatedly use the same attack more than twice or they target one person to the point they can't even stand up without dying.

Happened to me yesterday when I was fighting Rajang for a friend's mix set, it used the spin attack thing every time I stood up. But generally the spam I run into is Rathian's dash attack, for some reason it will run back and forth 3-6 times when I'm the only one on the quest and I'm right next to it.
What if I just want to let my party do the work while I collect.
What if I just want to let my party do the work while I collect.
Kicked out every time
  • #10
Kicked out every time
Most halls I've seen this happen actually didn't kick but asked to leave :p
And I like that method better (if they don't leave then yeah, kick obviously) since not only you get rid of an annoying player but you also make them understand that this behaviour will lead everyone to hate playing with them, so maybe they won't do it again. While with a kick, maybe they'll think "oh no, there was a connection error, too bad, I was able to gather while they were doing the job, that was great, I'll find another hall like that" :p

edit yay! over 1000 PC :D