The 100 Video Game Song Showdown!

  • Thread starter Bossvelt
  • Start date


Towns Folk
Video game music comes in many varieties. It could be from a boss theme, over world theme, credits, opening, character theme, etc. Each series has a different take of how they sound to fit the game and or make it better. All of us here enjoy music from video games, I'm sure, but we're here to see which one would be the last song standing after duking it out with 99 other formidable pieces of video game music.

This is how things will go down. I am going to use a RNG and place all 100 songs in 20 rounds that consist of 5 songs. You guys are going to rate the songs on a scale of 0-10. You can rate the songs with the same ratings if you want. Hell, if you dislike everything, you can give everything a low score. I just figure the 0-10 system works more than the other thing. At the end of the round, I'm going to divide the total score of each song by the amount of people that participated in the round. The 20 songs with the best ratings will proceed to the next round, which will then be narrowed down to 5, before a winner is declared in the final round.

Now, here's something that I'll need YOUR guys' help with. I want all of you guys to send me your favorite video game music to fill up this list. It wouldn't be fun if this was just a list of video game music I and other select people like. I would prefer you guys send me 5-10 songs from video games in order of most favorite to the least. That way, if I get some repeats, I'll be able to work with it because I have more songs to choose from you guys. And please, when you submit, no more than two songs from the same game/series. I want some variety in this showdown, so try to pick 1 song for each franchise and not like 5 from the same one.

If or when I get enough submissions to fill 100 songs, I will show a spoiler that lists all 100 songs that were chosen and the rounds they're in. I will then begin round 1 for all of you to rate and stuff.

Thank you for your maybe future cooperation!

tl;dr version:
-you guys are gonna post the songs here
-1 at the least and send however much you want
-only 2 per series/franchise/whatever bc variety
-once i got 100 songs we begin
-the 100 songs are gonna be split into 20 rounds of 5 to be rated
-rate 0-10 (u gotta rate all 5 songs in the round obs)
-highest rated (divide total score of a song by number of participants in that round to get average; rinse repeat till all 5 songs are averaged out) wins
-rinse repeat for 20 rounds
-more will be said if we make it past that point
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