Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
My friend showed me a fun game he made up in smash, so I decided to share. This game is called The Ganondorf Challenge.
What is required
That's all there is to it, if you ever want to try it with your friends then go right ahead. By the way the custom Ganondorf is full attack, move set 1111.
What is required
- 3 players, all on one team
- a CPU Lvl 9 custom Ganondorf
- Handicaps: ON
- You can pick any character you want, but with no customs
- Everyone on the team must set their handicap to 80% (can increase in succession)
- Team Attack must be ON
- Play on Temple, most fitting and spacious stage
- Work together to defeat the Ganondorf.
That's all there is to it, if you ever want to try it with your friends then go right ahead. By the way the custom Ganondorf is full attack, move set 1111.