Fighting in a Sack
Banned User
Has anyone heard of this game? It's being developed by the incredible Team ICO and has been in development for 8 years. The game was originally first shown at E3 2009 (trailer above) and was scheduled to be released in late 2011 for the Playstation 3, however due to technical difficulties the game was ultimately delayed and much hasn't been said since. In March of 2014, Sony confirmed that game is still being worked on, but that's about all the information we've had since.
I personally am EXTREMELY excited for the title. I hadn't heard about it until 2012 and until just last year I hadn't been all the interested in it. I've never played Ico or Shadow of Colossus however I plan on buying them soon (combo pack with both games is only $20). The Last Guardian looks like the most inspirational game ever. Something about it just looks incredible and breath taking...let alone the fact that the trailer was created in 2009 for the PS3. If the game really is still coming out it's likely going to be for PS4 and I can only imagine it'll look better there. Team ICO is probably nervous about it due to all of the hype Shadow of Colossus had tbh.
Here's to hoping it's shown at E3 today. Sony's conference is at 9:00PM EST tonight btw if you're interested.