Things we hate

  • Thread starter Vernal
  • Start date


Hero of Thyme
Towns Folk
Don't you hate it when you go to tie your shoe using your mechanical arms(ya know, since you're a T-Rex?), when suddenly your toaster starts talking crap and you can't do anything about it since it's holding a knife to your cat, but you're like eh and just decide to airbend the toaster's plug. And that, kids, that is why I always carry two sets of ninja stars.
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Well dang... I hate it when I'm trying to eat my soup with a fork and my dog is chasing another dog because that other dog is a cat, so when that cat eats potatoes, all the chickens BAWK!
Don't you just hate it when someones stops midway through a sent-
Geez, I really hate when I'm talking and suddenly the lirst fetter mf oy sords wuddenly wwitch sith oach ether...:confused:....:(.

I also hate it when I suddenly just *teleports some where else*
I really hate it when people use foreign words to sound fancy when there is a suitable English quid pro quo.
I certainly hate when someone asks for the time and I just involuntarily look at my wrist as if I had a watch :rotfl: