Thoughts on The WindWaker HD!

  • Thread starter KnighddDd
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The True King Of Dreamland
Banned User
So The WindWaker is my favorite Zelda game ever. So just imagine myself when nintendo announced a remake for a console i have! I was soo excited and bought it on launch date i am passing it by third time this time in tri-force quest + Hero mode and i am getting rekt xD it's being fun and brings so much memories of playing it for the first time i actually love the artstyle and how it looks in HD i love the new features like the swift sail and the gyroscope controls or motion controls are the best i have seen in a Zelda game ever. But i remember back then when the game was announced a somehow realistic artstyle came in the trailer o_O then the real game came to be and people didnt like its artstyle but i like the bosses, dungeons, items, puzzles, characters and mostly: the story... Why? TLOZ games dont have such a story like in Oot, its story is basically this: a kid wakes up a talking tree tells him to save the world he does it. Im not telling its a bad game but eh MM had a GOOD stroy though xD so i wanted to hear what do you think about this game AND your reaction to the artstyle when the GC version was announced or when you first saw the game :D
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