PC Toontown Rewritten

  • Thread starter Catstew
  • Start date


Pedia Mastermind
Towns Folk
Hey guys, catstew here.

As some of you may or may have not known, a game has been out for quite a while called Toontown Online. The game is owned by Disney, and you use "Gags" (Pies, Squirt guns, etc...) to destroy evil "Cogs" (Robots) that are trying to make Toontown into a business wasteland!

There's no REAL good trailer for the game, or good video of battle a cog, but here's the best I found.

Sadly, Toontown Online closed down.

After 10 years of Toontown Online being open, It officially closed at September 19, 2013. (Check Toontown.go.com for details on the closure.) Everyone was sad for that to happen, not just kids, but adults and teens. It really was a great game, and there was almost no more hope of it coming back, until a spin off of Toontown came out.


Toontown Rewritten is a remake of Toontown Online, made by random people who just love the game and don't want it to go. The game is in Closed Alpha, so no one can sign up without a Alpha Code. Fear not, though. Toontown Rewritten will be opening up into Open Alpha in December. (Estimated date.)
For more information, Go to toontownrewritten.com

That's it for now. Comment if you ever played, or heard of the game, and say your opinion on how you think Disney may react to this!

Cya later, guys!