Top 10 games on nintendo consoles that need more support or don't

  • Thread starter sejm120
  • Start date


Its the final countdown!!!!!
Towns Folk
Number 10:Metroid prime federation force Platform:3DS and 3DSxl
okay i'm gonna say right off the bat i am excited for the new metroid prime and i know it has a lot of hate
but its a new metroid prime and what people wanted was a new metroid prime wow you greedy people i know you want something new and you got it jeez.

Number.9:Sonic boom Platform: WiiU and 3DS
well i should be getting death threats by now okay Sega wanted a new vision of sonic can we blame them i mean they wanted to experiment but i personally hate the game but my little cousin loves okay he's little what can you expect they love anything that has to do with sonic.

Number 8:Takeshi's Challenge Platform: Famicom
a pretty old game and a barking hard one this game has been voted for most terrible and hardest game ever and with good reason but it is a challenging game and games are supposed to be challenging right okay now to number 7.

Number 7:Sonic lost world platform: WiiU
okay my cousin suggests lots of sonic games that are bad okay while lost worlds game play was rather decent the story felt uninspired and lackluster and it's DLC in my opinion was not that exciting at all sure Zelda DLC sounds cool but but it's just some new levels and a new skin and the multiplayer wasn't that great.

Number 6:New super Mario bros Wii Platform: Wii
This game needs the extra support so what if it is a rehash its a fun one with new power ups that were very interesting amazing level design and a amazing final battle it is a true hidden gem for the Wii well in my opinion.

Number 5:Animal crossing amiibo festival Platform: WiiU
Yep i hear people with torches and pitch forks look my little cousin is a big amiibo and animal crossing fan and when he saw this game he was hyped and i pre-odered it for him and when it came he was happy as heck can you blame him he's very happy a lot of times when a new game that looks awesome gets announced and when this game was announced that happiness went up the roof and if you excuse me i have to fend for my life against a ton of angry animal crossing fans.

Number 4:Mario party 9 Platform: Wii
okay i know lots of people hate it but it deserves credit for being a very fun and exciting come back to Mario party and that's all i have to say

Number 3:Teenage mutant ninja turtle Platform: Nintendo entertainment system
Why did this game exist i mean it's horrifying if you don't believe me then look up a review on it will change how you originally saw it its that awful go away Ninja turtles go back to Michael bay.

Number 2: Wonderful 101 Platform: WiiU
THIS.GAME.IS.THE.BEST! wonderful 101 is a masterpiece with not that many flaws and is overall fun but i needs more support For a teen rated game it is pretty unnoticeable sadly but yeah that's all have to say

Number 1:Shovel knight Platform: WiiU and 3DS
This is better than wonderful 101 yes it is for good reasons it has amazing bosses, awesome story, amiibo, amazing game play, and awesome overall no indie game can top what shovel knight did for awhile it had all what you need to make a good game and that's why it's number one.

thanks for checking this out hope this is a good guide or something well see you next.
I also am excited for Federation Force,since we finally get an Metroids Game made by rtro studios and nintnedo,instead of an less violent Metroid Ninja Gaiden.

Takeshi's challenge is the worst game ever,since it was supossed to be terrible and made to troll pretty much any gamer,the game even insults you if you say something in the 2nd player controller.I kinda wonder if takeshi's challenge was satire about nes games.You have the taks that are so non sensical,that you cant figure them out and the incredibly ridicolous difficulty level.

Sonic Boom would have been an ok game,if sega would have taken more time programming,i enjoy some of the glitches,like Knuckles wallclimbing alot,I heard the 3ds version was less broken tho.

The Teenage Ninja Turtles Nes Game isnt that bad tho,back in the nes days,developers cheated the games longer by making the game incredibly hard.And there was LJN,making multiple awful nes game adaptations of tv shows and films.

Alot of peopole were dissapointed by amiibo festival,some due to it not being an canon game,some others due to the lack of stuff thats in mario party but not in amiibo festival.

For New Super Mario Bros Wii,id guess that Super Mario Galaxy 1&2 dragged away attention from it,due to being really different to the rest of the series.
thanks for your opinion

thanks for your opinion
and iwasn't sacastic
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I agree with everything excep Amiibo Festival, I always defend the amiibos, but this game is just stupid

This video explains why i gets so much hate and why it deserves it