Top 5 Launch (window) Games You Want?

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Towns Folk
So I've been thinking about what I want as launch titles on NX when it releases, and I thought it'd be fun to get a discussion going~ They can also just be launch window games I guess, which is basically the first few months after it releases.

In no particular order:

5. Generation 7 of Pokemon (I don't think Z is going to happen personally)
4. Mario Kart / Nintendo Kart (based on past announcements, we should see this at E3)
3. 3D Mario (definitely gonna be shown at E3, but I don't think it'll be a launch game)
2. Pikmin 4
1. Zelda U

Lemme know what ya want
Mine are pretty gnarly, but it doesn't hurt to dream. xD

Super Street Fighter V
>>New F-Zero/Metroid Game (For the purpose of showing off NX hardware)
>>Wonderful 102 (A sequel to W101 would be darn dope)
>>Hyrule Warriors: Hero's Pack (more content than HW and Legends combined)
>>Mario Party 11 (Without the car)
Mine are a little weird but

1: Super Mario 64 NX (because it was one of the best Mario 3d games and it would look awesome on the nx)
2: F-zero NX (a revival of a old generation game)
3: wonderful 102 (because the first was fun)
4: a 3rd-1st person Pokémon game (because the environment would rule)
5: Animal crossing NX (because it would be a awesome remake!)
I have a few in mind that I'd like to share
  1. LoZ OoT - It seems like a friendly kickstarter for the NX
  2. New Super Mario - You know the traditional 4 player NSMB with probably new powerups and stuff
  3. Kirby game - pls ;-;
  4. Revival of F Zero/Metroid - Just a game that brings this series back to life for the most part
  5. Pokemon Rumble - Seems like a fitting console game for the most part
1. New 3D Mario (with a new-ish art style and a new story, something that makes it feel just that little bit different)
2. Spla2n (with full voice acting, a bigger story mode and mics enabled in servers, make it feel as awesome as Team Fortress 2)
3. Metroid (It's like the 3DS title could just be testing the waters to see how the audience respond, then they unleash a new one on us)
4. New IP (Like, Nintendo hire a western developer to go all out and create a game that they can kinda appeal to 'hardcore' folks with, maybe a vigilante-esque game like Watch Dogs)
5. DC's Legends of Tomorrow (A fantasy one, but if Nintendo teamed up with DC to create a Flarrowverse game, well, I wouldn't mind either Flash or Arrow to begin with, but Legends could be really fun with
The Atom, Captain Cold and Firestorm's gameplay mechanics, heck even Sara Lance could be quite interesting to do, she could kinda be a bit like your "normal vigilante" kind of character who wipes the floor with people despite having no superpowers/The Atom suit/a Cold Gun.
From Most wanted to least

1. Metroid Game
2. F-Zero
3. New IP
4. Smash (go ahead shoot me)
5. Sonic Riders 4
5. Super Mario Galaxy 3
4. New StarTropics
3. New Metroid
2. Indivisible for Wii U
1. Axiom Verge for Wii U