Type a sentence with all the letters in the alphabet

  • Thread starter Dargsidan
  • Start date


Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
type a sentence
"A sentence with all the letters in the alphabet"
There I did it
No hacking!
What do you know about making very quick sentences just 'cuz someone asks you, fool excuse of a person!?
Ok then.
The quick brown Fox jumped over the large lazy white dogs, voraciously.
can i do multiple words
"A sentence with all the letters in the alphabet"
There I did it

That is a sentence fragment. You, sir, have failed. Sorry.
the boy said , " A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ! "
"good job ! " , said the teacher
There are 26 letter in the alphabet which are abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
  • #10
The Ed yelled "I LOVE CHICKENS EDDY!" The Eddy responds with "Yes we know Ed" The double D asks "How are we going to fix this oven?" The Eddy says "Meh Jimmy will figure it out himself" The Jimmy panics and yells "EDDY WAIT MY COOKIES THEY'RE BURNING!" The Kevin yells "DORKS!"
  • #11
"Frankly, I am disgusted by everyone's inability to recognize what constitutes a proper sentence, and my irritation might just cause me to quietly exit my web browser."
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