Universal/nintendo theme park idea

  • Thread starter Swegged-up4tacos
  • Start date


Life orb shedninja
Towns Folk
So this idea cooked up in me! I heard that universal and nintendo are teaming up to create a real world nintendo land! I heard there was going to be an f-zero coaster and donkey kong's mine cart ride. So ive been thinking, since the poketoys in the rumble franchise are machines. Then what if you could go on an adventure with ur fave toy pokemon? Who would you choose? Any ideas how this can unfold? I know this might not happen, but its fun to think about. (Dont worry f-zero coaster will be a thing for real)
Emolga and Pikachu: An Electrifying Journey. :love:

I think it'll just have people dressed up as Pokemon at best. Maybe a three-man Gyarados costume. :p