Updating the Pokémon x to version 1.3

  • Thread starter HeroGamer2014
  • Start date


Master of Fire Pokemons
Towns Folk
This tutorial and to teach how to update the Pokémon x to latest version, the version 1.3.

The first step is to connect the cartridge to the console if you have downloaded the eshop, connect the cartridge is not needed.

The second step is to open the e-commerce store, and search for: Pokemon X

The third step is to click on Pokemon X: Update 1.3, and have them install.

Now, we only expect, after finished downloading, close the eshop, and open the pokemon x, on the part of entering the mystery gift or load the save, if in the bottom screen is written:

Pokemon X Update 1.3

It means that everything went well, I have helped you.
I had already done this before you made this a thread and this update still did not help me to fix the error code which I am getting and I don't think there will be any more updates for x and y.