UrbanOak's Glitch Corner

  • Thread starter Iso Kilo
  • Start date
Iso Kilo

Iso Kilo

Sonic 1 Hacker
Towns Folk
Welcome to UrbanOak's Glitch Corner! Here you can write about valid* glitches in games and I'll share my buggy knowlage with you! But here's a few things you should know, 1: Spam, please check the glitches that were already posted to make sure that the glitch you're going to write about isn't already written. 2: 5 Try Rule, if you found a glitch online and you want to share it with us try it 5 times before posting it, it is considered valid if the glitch works 3 out of 5 times. 3: The Buggy Truth, please don't write down glitches you made up it's a waste of our time and it's annoying if we have to download an emulator to make it sure it's valid.

*If the game receives updates make sure the glitch still works.

The Last of Us (Remastered): During the Fall Chapter of the game Joel will meet up with his brother Tommy, at one point you will encounter some horses, here you should turn around to see a fense with barbed wire on top but where the fense would turn there are some climbable boxes, climb the boxes where you can simply cross the barb wire and you will be in an area with some workers, a crate and barrels, now walk into the crate in the middle and you will see that there is no collision for them, this was an oversight because the developers thought you would never think that you could get in there so no collision was made for those barrels and crate.
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SSB64: (WARNING LOUD NOISES IS PART OF THIS GLITCH!!!) You are going to need to go to training select Mario or Samus, select a stage with platforms you can jump through, such as Hyrule Castle, Brinstar or DreamLand. Set the opposite character on a platform and go on that platform and place a whole bunch of shells until the game doesn't let you place anymore(green will get the opponent hurt but red will get you hurt) go under the platform and use your up special (with Mario you can be on the same level of your opponent and use your down special) and at this point you and your opponent will freeze in place where either you or your opponents damage will go up at a staggering rate with a loud noise (depends what attack you used) you and opponent will be stuck in place for about 20 seconds before the shells despawn and your opponents damage will be at 999 (if you used red shells your damage will go up to around 500).
SSB3DS: Go into training select Jigglypuff select any stage (better if you select an omega stage) then on the bottom screen select the Smash Ball and get it and use it while Jigglypuff is Bigglypuff set the damage by pressing left while it's 0 then when Jigglypuff shrinks down again the smoke from the high damage will still be large. Now go to training select anyone, normally the game won't let you stack items but if you set it that you need to hold L to progress each frame and if you don't hold L you will be able to stack items once the maximum item limit has been reached set it back to the original speed now you will have a 'Super Item' such as super Bombs or super Shells.
Why not edit these into the main post into spoilers? Would make it look nicer :)
Why not edit these into the main post into spoilers? Would make it look nicer :)
For some reason after I posted the first glitch the edit button was removed.
Oh hey also if you know any glitches it would be awesome if you could type it in!