Very Interesting - Paint on a Stereo at 2500fps

  • Thread starter PigMayor
  • Start date


Towns Folk
Hello, fellow Pedians!

Today on I found a video - Paint on a Stero at 2,500 fps - that I happened to find very beautiful, amazing, and interesting all in one. They poured four paint colours onto a stereo (red, yellow, blue and green) and, using a very powerful camera, they turned on the stereo and recorded what the paint did at 2,500 fps - framer per second - and slowed it down ver much to show the beauty of the paint bouncing around, moving unpredicatbly, mixing in air and even showing some paint balls colliding with surface tension.

I highly encourage you guys to view it as well if this has intrgued you so far - I promise you will not regret it. Very beautiful to see.

And if you like that video, I have seen that thy also record many other things in slow-motion - shooting a pistol underwater, popping popcorn, liquid droplet collisions and more.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoyed it and any other videos by these guys.
