Volcanion Early Access Code Giveaway!

  • Thread starter maxthe2pokemonshowdown
  • Start date
What will it work on?
Is it legitimate?
The 1 PC Needed to enter will be given back if you win but the code is not in the Alerts and yes it is.
You should tell us the nation your code was distributed to.

@Marc or @Spinnerweb, could either of you move this to Nookling Junction?
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Reactions: Pandaxclone2
I want 1
currently volcanion is only being distributed for the PAL regions, which is EU and australian games, and for japan but that would be obvious from the proof that it isn't. So since American distributions only start from the 10th this is likely a PAL code.
i'll enter the giveaway @maxthe2pokemonshowdown , when will you reveal the result?
How do we enter???
Oh yea, i got on gamestop secretly and Its lvl 70

The 20th
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currently volcanion is only being distributed for the PAL regions, which is EU and australian games, and for japan but that would be obvious from the proof that it isn't. So since American distributions only start from the 10th this is likely a PAL code.
i'll enter the giveaway @maxthe2pokemonshowdown , when will you reveal the result?
If it were a PAL code, there'd be no point to calling it an early access code, but it's no matter.
I'll enter
  • #10
I would like to enter!
  • #11
1 pc plz? o_O