What 3ds games have multiplayer? (Not smash 4 etc.)

  • Thread starter Marcellderp
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Derp Lord
Towns Folk
I am looking for some cool 3ds games with multiplayer but I don't want to see smash 4 as an answer because me and my friend want to play something new/different that isn't smash/ironfall
Pokemon, all 3DS games, ORAs and XY. Lets you battle, trade, and chat online. MH4U (I play MH3U, cause people say it is really good, but now, no one goes online.), lets you hunt and chat with other players, the overall single player game is also good.
Forgot to say don't comment xy/ORAS either we have these but don't play em as much
Hmm, there are plenty of good games with multi-player asides from Smash 4, Pokemon, etc. I'm pretty sure this one's obvious but I'm not sure if you forgot to add it to the list but Mario Kart 7 is a good 3ds game with multiplayer. Others would be
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising
  • Fantasy Life
  • AC: NL
  • MHU4
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2 ( Co-op play )
  • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
  • Resident Evil: Revelations ( if your into theses games :p )
Let's see.. Pokémon XY/ORAS let's you battle/trade Pokémon with other people. You can race with others in Mario Kart 7. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon let's you hunt for ghosts with friends. Animal Crossing: New Leaf let's you visit your friends towns and let them visit yours. Kid Icarus Uprising let's you fight with friends online. That's about the gist of it, there are probably more out there.
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