What 3rd party games could work on the wii u?

  • Thread starter codyplays
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Towns Folk
we have seen the wii u showing off its power with watch dogs and batman Arkuem origins, but with the right people how far can the wii u be pushed?

What games do you think could work on it, if the power was pushed
I kind of wonder if gta would work on it, watch dogs worked fairly well. The only problem I see is the online lag will probably worse than the Xbox or ps4
I would agree that the Wii U has some great potential in its hardware and all and it really works very great when it comes to like the games that you listed . I would say that even GTA might work considerably good but I'm not sure if maybe it might work too well and also the issue with the probability of online lag . I'm not sure if the Wii U is very very well and I'm not really sure if the Wii U is as powerful as the others but I can say it is decently well .
I can't confirm this but I heard it has 1/4 the power of the ps4, that's about the power of a 360.it has the power but not the support sadly
we have seen the wii u showing off its power with watch dogs [...]

Xenoblade X is exploding in laughter at Ubisoft's lies. Let's face it, they just suck at optimizing their games lately (Don't believe me ? Remember Unity, and ask what people thought about it when it came out. PC players weren't too happy about how it ran).

Honestly though, if, as you said, the power was pushed way further (a bit more powerful than the PS4), it would have been nice to see FF XV get on the WiiU run fluidly against the unstable 30fps duo (we've only just started the gen, but it almost feels like they're already exhausted despite them having a better hardware).

Otherwise, I can't think of any potential game that could be ported to the WiiU since both the X1 and the PS4 have small libraries for now.
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I think the new batman game , batman arkham knight would be a terrific addition to the wii u catalogue, another game that would hit any retailer´s shop would be Mortal Kombat X on the wii u, that would be amazingly terrific ahhahah
I can see Skyrim working pretty well with the Wii U console. The HD graphics would look amazing on this platform in my opinion. Plus the controls wouldn't be that much different from Xbox 360 or PS3, which means gameplay would be easy to pick up on!
Minecraft would probably do very well, especially if put out at a budget price like it is on PC (and possibly other platformers but I'm not entire sure about that!) and given a bit of a marketing push, it's one of the bigger titles nowadays that can help people go "oh wow, Mario and Minecraft on one console? That could be worth a look."

Also, just looking at more games locked on for this year, I'd say that Resident Evil could have done well, seeing as how the 3DS version sold just under a million at retail and Wii U at just under a quarter of that (and most likely share a large number of users). GTA V and Batman: Arkham Knight would fit in too, a nice marketing push with the consoles would have done wonders, IMO.

The latest installments of Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty should be there, and if the publishers were more competent, it would happen. Naruto would work too.

And of course, I would love for Star Wars Battlefront 3 to be on the console and it would be a Day 1 purchase for me, personally. I can't imagine it would do badly either, the first two were pretty well liked by people I believe.
I would love to see Grand Theft auto on the Wii U. I have played it With a friend that has a copy of it for the Xbox 360, and it is a fun game to play. I don`t know if the Wii U could handle the online mode though. I would also like to see Assasins Creed unity there, because of how well other AC games on the Wii U worked
  • #10
I think everything can work. Seriously. I say this because the gamepad just is really good with the features. Like in assassins creed, the gamepad has a unique feature. It has a map you can look at really easily, see where you are, and have easy accessibility.