What are your favorite accents and why?

  • Thread starter Mirakat
  • Start date

What are your favorite accents?

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I have a total of 2 favorite accents. Accents that I would love to trade for my American accent if that's possible. Possibly not. Yes I know. Sad I am. Anyway here are my 2 favorite accents, if you don't have a reason, that's okay too.

• French - It sounds so unique and hawt.The sound is just too "boot-i-ful" for me. :cat:
• British English - My favorite accent I would love to have the most. I find it to be cute and especially hawt if it's a male. I could listen to the accent forever and never get tired of it. You know what the quotes say, "If I had a British accent, I'd never shut up" are so true for me. These are my opinions, so please, no rudness on mine or one's choices.

So, what are your favorites? :)
How can there not be a Russian accent in the list?

p.s. I'm all for french accents but all I'm hearing is oui oui oui non baguette.
How can there not be a Russian accent in the list?

p.s. I'm all for french accents but all I'm hearing is oui oui oui non baguette.
Lol I agree xD I was actually going to add Russian accents on here, but I ran out of room. :(
How can there not be austrailian here too lol best accent ever
  • Welsh is so lilty and pleasant, usually.
  • ...
  • Japanese English because I have to have my giggles :rotfl:
Well for some reason , I find it kind of amusing with talking with a British English accent :D Though I'm not really fluent with it , it really sounds kind of cool in my opinion to speak that way . I also watched Doctor Who so yeah it is mostly kinda British so that is what I choose :cat:
British English is sorta overrated imo ._. I prefer American accents.
Kind of a weird one but I am fond of Chinese accents only because I'm learning Chinese and it's kind of adorable. Plus, I'm perfectly fluent in Chinglish (Chinese/ English hybrid). When you visit China, it is basically all you hear, and by the end of your trip, you catch yourself speaking broken English haha