SwSh What are your favorite Alcremie forms?

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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Alcremie is one of the new gen 8 Pokemon in Pokemon Sword/Shield, and it has a bunch of alternate forms you can choose from when evolving Milcery. You have to obtain one of the specific sweets and give it to Milcery then perform the spin to evolve it.

From out of all the forms available, which are your favorite?

I've been looking for some good ones to evolve my Milcery into but I'm at a loss since there are soo many ><
After a quick look,
100% this one. Rainbows, blue berries, adorableness.

... Am I gonna have to get the game just to get this + galarian ponyta + Shiny Wooloo and just have that be my entire team for the game?
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My current fave Alcremie is this: Rainbow Swirl with Strawberry topping. The method to get this one is pretty tricky, though.
I like the Star Mint Cream one. That color scheme just looks really neat when put together.
It also looks good for that aquatic vibe for teams. Come to think of it making one for each team would be fun.