What did your team look like on your first pokemon adventure

  • Thread starter codyplays
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Towns Folk
All of us remember that one pokemon that powered through the elite 4, or that one pokemon you spammed revebial roots on though the game. So what did your team look like when you first played. I remember my infernape going through the elite 4 like a monster, he was around level 80 and he was pretty much the only pokemon I used. Until I went crazy because that garchomp was so op in pearl.

You don't have to paint me a picture if you can't really remember just give any detail you remember
Heh i had the same situation as you but with Torterra. I had like a level 72 Torterra and 5 other Pokemon that were like level 30 so when it came to that Garchomp I had so much trouble not only that but the other Pokemon could not hurt the Elite Four or the Champion so my Torterra had to do everything on its own it took me a while and a lot of tries because my Torterra had a terrible move set but I still beat it after like 10 tries>.>
My team was both great and terrible. I had a level 100 Tentacruel, a level 80 Uxie, and the rest of my team was around the 60s. The problem was they all had the worst possible moves. It took me at least 30 tries to beat the Elite 4, no kidding. I was terrible at Pokemon back then.
Empoleon was a real assist in Pokemon Platinum! He was aroun level. 90 by the time I stopped playing it erased the data so I could select another starter. He beat the Elitle 4 no problem and only used one revive on the CHampion. I liked he move metal claw and I usually used that move in battles :D
It would always have to be my starter Pokemon and my Legendary Pokemon that were always superior to everything . Always on my first tries on a Pokemon game my team is usually unfinished or I want a Pokemon but in the end don't keep it . Lastly my perfect team in Pokemon White was ( going to the Elite 4 ) a lv 84 Serperior and a lv 60 Braviary . That's it :p
In my first pokemon game, Emerald I had this OP blaziken that just swept through everything, My first team consisted of Swellow, Ludicolo and Blaziken, that's it, IDK why I didn't catch that many. Blaizken was likelevel 70 or something around that whilst swellow and ludicolo were somewhere in the 60's
In my first Pokemon Game, I was a nub so errm all I had was like a level 80 mudkip ( i don't know why i didn't evolve it), and everything else was in the 50's... I had Ludicolo, Swellow and Breloom, Graveler and mightyena on the tam as well .-.
I had a lvl. 100 Empoleon (which is still my favorite Pokémon, because of him), a lvl 85 Dialga, a lvl 65 Roserade and I can't really remember the others :3
My team was nice. I got Swellow, Swampert and more pokemons. My swampert was pretty good but he was likelevel 50 and the others too.
  • #10
Um... Let's see... This is my team from my first proper Pokemon adventure :p The previous ones were all Action Replayed, so after I decided not to use Action Replay anymore (I began to feel like it wasn't fair to play the game like that) I had a 'true' adventure:

  • #11
I just grabbed every Pokemon like liked. I had my level 70 tyspholsion and a bunch of level 30 Pokemon. Pokemons so easy when you do not know what you are doing.:p
  • #12
My team had a Serperior lvl.74,Reshiram lvl.100,Meganium lvl.71 and a lvl.60 Crobat.I don't remember much.All I had to do was sweep the Elite Four with Reshiram.It was pretty easy :).
  • #13
Murkrow! I caught it on the pokéwalker and never left my tea until the end of the game. It was extremely OP, a real killing-machine. And as a nice bonus it also looked great. Later in the gaem I let it evolve into Honchkrow (I waited until level 99 because I was so attached to its looks :p)
  • #14
My team on my first pokemon journey ( I mean pokemon emerald was) kind of pretty of it take me 12 tiers to defeat elite four and my team was

That's it
  • #15
Mine was Red.
Pikachu(Didn't find thunder stone)

My team was kinda random
  • #16
In Silver, my team was as follows:
and 5 other scrubs. :p
  • #17
My first team was in Pokemon Emerald. I had my Sceptlie because he was my started and I needed to have him. I had a Flygon because he was cool looking. I had a Slamance because he looked cool as well. I had a Torkoal, and one more I can't remember. Lastly, I had my favorite one, Rayquaza.
  • #18
Haha, I was so bad at Pokemon when I was young, I just used one Pokemon through the whole game, and that was my Charizard in FireRed. However, I lost in the Elite 4, and raised Jumpluff of all Pokemon to help me win. I raised a few other, but I don't remember that as much. All I remember was that I beat the Elite 4 and I was really happy.
  • #19
I don't remember what my team looked like back then. All I do remember is that I sucked at first. But, as I kept playing, I got better and better.
  • #20
My team that I actually remember (because Red, Silver, Yellow, who knows what I was doing back then and what my Pokémon were for all I know they were all the same Pokémon named tuna...don't ask :bear:)


Typhlosion named Rain Lv 100 (who is still in the Pokéwalker)
Raikou named Thor Lv. 100
Suicune named Sesshomaru Lv. 95
Pikachu named Caliber Lv. 85
Absol named Kira Lv. 70
Charizard named Red Lv. 99

I had been given Diamond as a gift so I could play it while I stayed in the hospital but I never got to play because of the sleeping gas and the whole dazed and confused state I was in the whole time not to mention I forgot I even had it :panda:

Pokémon White

Dewott named Acheron Lv. 100
Victini named Pain Lv. 95 (funny story behind his name...nah, actually it was a nightmare :unsure:)
Zekrom named ??? (I don't remember what I named it) Lv. 87

(I forgot the others)


Pidgeot named America Lv. 100
Lucario named Neji Lv. 85
Azelf Lv. 75
Persian named Giovanni Lv. 75
Umbreon named Britain Lv. 99
Pangoro named Rico Lv. 80