What do you like about Pokemon XY

  • Thread starter sewell92
  • Start date


New Kid on the Block
Towns Folk
What do people like about XY?
I think that most people like pokemon X and Y because of the evolution / new pokemon I think , I am not really sure but the newest thing was the mega evolution that made me want to buy the game pokemon X and Y
Being my first pokémon game, I would say the gameplay.
The 3D aspect and that each Pokemon has it's own unique style during gameplay. and the 6th gen Pokes are cool too. Nothing else that's special. It's the same old Pokemon game.
I love the graphics. Most of why I love the games. A lot better than the 5th gen games. I also love the new super training feature. Makes online play easier for me to be able to participate in.
The 3D aspect and that each Pokemon has it's own unique style during gameplay. and the 6th gen Pokes are cool too. Nothing else that's special. It's the same old Pokemon game.

The same old Pokémon game but with a lot of new features and also a lot of work made on it...
I mean, they just made 722 models and also different textures (not only the shinies ones)

Sadly they need more servers :p
I'm really loving the ROLLERBLADES in this game. The gameplay feels really smooth compared to some of the older gens imo. With that said, I haven't gotten too far in the game yet and can't wait to see what else is there
for me its also the roller blades and how you can do tricks with them - i also think the new pokemon and evolutions are amazing - mega evolutions quite cool too but one of the best things is the amazing graphics and game play :p !!!
To tell the truth. I like everything about the game, they add this new thing called Mega Evolution, the roller blades. I like tons of things they added, but most of all. The way they let you design your characters. Your hair color, and let you buy clothing from the different shops around. So that really is exciting to me at least. But other then that, everything about the game was awesome.
  • #10
Yeah, going back to this thread now that I've finished the game, I have to say that, just like Kandyshrine, I really like the character customization aspect of it. For me, it's because it kinda allows for a sense of individualism in the game (I mean, not only different skin colors, but such a wide array of outfits compared to previous gens). Once glance at the Player Search System allows you to see a wide diversity of players playing the game haha
  • #11
I like how they're driving 3DS sales. ;)
  • #12
The graphics in X/Y are spectacular, and the character customization, like said above, is really a great addition to the game. The new Pokemon are quite solid and well-made, and they made breeding so so so so so much easier!

I think I may have been too desperate for this game, 'cause I bought my 3DS 2.5 years ago thinking that Pokemon would release a 3D game sooner :p
  • #13
The online To-The-Death Matches and the 3D Pokemon that remind me of Pokemon Colosseum, the fact that EV training is also much easier now, PR Videos when you get bored, Mega Evolutions, Character Customization, and the music put together in a titanic and solid RPG makes it da best.