What do you think Nintendo will do this Christmas?

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What you want Nintendo to do this Christmas

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_(┐ \ε:)_❤_(:3/ ∠)_
Towns Folk
Well, I never seen nintendo do anything to be honest (but I didn't keep up with the news anyway).
I hope they will give discount for most of the games this year. Many companies (not games) have some events like giving away stuffs and discounts. Will you guys think that Nintendo will have some kind of event this Christmas? If so, what would you want.
Well, I never seen nintendo do anything to be honest (but I didn't keep up with the news anyway).
I hope they will give discount for most of the games this year. Many companies (not games) have some events like giving away stuffs and discounts. Will you guys think that Nintendo will have some kind of event this Christmas? If so, what would you want.

Maybe they'll give away themes and games. But what I'm expecting the most would be a SSB4 Wii U Bundle.
I doubt they'll let us have double points for each registered games on CN (of America or Europe), and I doubt even more that they'll update the physical rewards.

So, I think it'll be the habitual marketing thingy, just like what Sony and Microsoft will do, but Nintendo will do it better.

Also, if they could do a temporary price cut on the Wii U (just during December), that would be really great...
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I'm expecting a bundle as well, but maybe a free theme and a special Nintendo Direct as well!
Probably a special theme.
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Reactions: Shadow_has_Risen
I personally think there will be discounts on games, during the season most stuff is pretty cheap, so why not games? they make for perfect xmas presents! ;)
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Reactions: numage
I personally think there will be discounts on games, during the season most stuff is pretty cheap, so why not games? they make for perfect xmas presents! ;)

Does this happen last year? If there is discount this year, I will definitely buy a game!
Soooo looking forward to it ><
I should have been more up to date with nintendo.
I would personally like to see discounted games because the new harvest moon just came out and i want it so bad. Its so freakin awesome its like minecraft but with chubby cows and alpacas!
I think Nintendo will make some Christmas DLCs for Mario Kart 8 or the upcoming Super Smash Brothers for the Wii U.
I didn't expect much for next Christmas season. First, since I'm converting my budget to something else (I'm moving to a new city someday soon to live by myself), and second, I have no wishlist related to Ninty's 1st/2nd party games.

But I wish a new Wii U for @D4rkDragon!
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Reactions: D4rkDragon
  • #10
I think they will give out a special Christmas theme or so because it has been long since they had given out the free Halloween theme to Europe 3ds users.That is my guess.
  • #11
I'm not sure what they'll do, but probably some kind on event in Pokémon X and Y and possible ORAS and then probably have an event where they giveaway something to gold and platinum Club Nintendo members. Probably they'll also make some new game that they'll release...
  • #12
As i see i want US to benefit a special offer from nintendo as the pokemon xy cause i'll be shopping for deccember and i need some games as i buy a games to get another one free and talking about the discount it would be cool to make a good game discount on the only nintendo titles.
  • #13
I just hope and dream to have some special discounts on games, as I have recently moved and become independent, money for games is such an issue snif snif but anyway, maybe if they lower some prices we can get all those awesome games hahhaha