What do you think of customize your amiibo on smash Wii U/3ds?

  • Thread starter damagu
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NintenPedia Member
Towns Folk
You know, you can customize your amiibo, but this customization stands outside of custom battles, i tried to maintain my amiibo figures with no customization, to play most fair battles, but not all people manage this, and the amiibos became unfair to be played against it (I not considering the strength boost, that its unnecessary, they play well, why they need to be more strong?), even for challenge, and this became annoying in 4 to 8 player battles when at least is one amiibo is used and have a move that is not normal used in normal mode or it's super strong and do a super hardcore damage, well if i liked to just play against it its fine, but i want to select to play the normal version, or the modified version, when choose play modes, so what do you thing?
I like customizing my amibo babies because it gives you time to make it yours. I would usually make them as colorful as the rainbow itself and I love accessorizing my best friends for life. I also like the options of what to put on our amibo.
I don't own an amiibo, not one. I do plan on getting one though. So anyways, customizing your amiibo can be great practice for art. It also gives you time to personalize it and make it feel more like yours. Although, customizing does look a bit difficult.
Ive customized my Link amiibo ( I have 4 lol) One is Golden Link, one is regular link, one is Dark Link, and the other one is fierce deity link. It was about 30 $ to customize them all lol. They're like action figures. But I dont plsy with them anymore