what do you think of the new anime channel?

  • Thread starter Lotad Lover
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Lotad Lover

Lotad Lover

Lover of the mighty Lotad god.
Towns Folk
what do you think of the new anime channel that just arrived for 3ds?
I probably won't be downloading it, the 3DS has absolute garbage video resolution, I'll stick to Crunchyroll for my anime streaming needs.
I got it a few days ago as it is free and it seems to be reasonable quality with very little buffering which is good. I will have to check out Crunchyroll, is it a free streaming service or subscription.
is it me or does it not have much options to watch. I downloaded it but i probalby won't use it much anyway.
Yeah it does not really have much content but more episodes are added every week
I got it a few days ago as it is free and it seems to be reasonable quality with very little buffering which is good. I will have to check out Crunchyroll, is it a free streaming service or subscription.
It's free, but there's a subscription option which will allow you to watch new episodes on day of release.
nah dont think im going to download it, im fine with just watching anime on my phone and tv. The 3ds screen is too small for me to watch anime and the resolution on 3ds is also terrible compared to other devices.
I didn't know there was an anime app for 3ds
I downloaded it and there's only inazuma, kirby and pokémon and only a few episodes of each. Nothing interesting with only 3 series to watch. It also only works online. A waste of memory space so I deleted it. The resolution is fine though. Maybe it's fun for fans of the series but honestly, I was quite disappointed.
  • #10
I got a notification about it and it seems like a good idea, but I wouldn't personally download it myself. I think watching anime on a bigger screen is better (laptop, TV). I don't think the app is really a big hit though. Nice try Nintendo. xD
  • #11
What is it called? I put anime channel and nothing came up?
  • #12
ill stick to hulu plus for 3ds... so much better
  • #13
where is it? i've looked all over the eshop. i can't find it. is it even here in the US?
  • #14
It is simply called. Nintendo anime channel. It is on the home screen for e shop on 3ds and I think it is available world wide but I am not too sure.