Splatoon 2 What do you want to see in Splatoon 2?

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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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Splatoon 2 is going to be a thing for the Switch and I'm curious to know what you guys/gals would like to see included, either on release or in an update the game developers will release at a later date after its release.

As of now, here is a list of what I'd like to see :

Ability to design your own clothes

Not sure how the stats will work out, but it'd be nice if we could design our own clothing for our characters. Maybe it could be taking already-existing clothing and modifying it in a shop for some sort of currency.

Mark a special symbol on weapons

Remember Mario Kart DS and how you could add a special painting to your kart? The idea is similar.. you draw something up and have it printed on your weapon. During gameplay, you'll see the symbol marked on your weapon.

More game modes

Please.. Splatoon 2 needs much more game modes than what the original Splatoon offered. I thought Splatoon would have had several more game modes after rainmaker, but only new maps came after :/

There are probably more things but for now these are all that I could thing of :panda:
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More gamemodes are definitely one! There's not really a proper Capture the flag gamemode. Rainmaker I guess is the closest, but still not quite as good as proper capture the flag.

I'd love to see more diversity in the maps, perhaps some secret places to go in the maps meaning that you have more hidden ways of getting to the objective making the games more harder. Maybe maps that are more suited towards a specific type of weapon would be cool and it'd allow for more gamemodes too.

I'd like a better single-player bit too, since for me the only fun thing from that was the bosses plus it was way too short. I know the main focus in the game is multiplayer, but It'd be nice to have a good single-player counterpart to it.

Guilds might be an interesting thing, though I doubt it'll ever be added. You could have a guild and with that it'll be an easier way to join games with your friends, you could have like a money/exp boost while in a game with other guild members, you could have guild vs guild. the opportunities are endless with it! It also ties in with your idea of allowing to put symbols on your weapons since you could like create a guild symbol or something that you could put on your clothing and/or weapons. You could also have like a little guild area, doesn't have to be very grand, but maybe something showing all the members, all the splatfests the guild has participated in and so on. Splatfests could be more intresting if guilds where involved as you could then sign up your guild to a side then you get some stuff put in your guild area if your side wins maybe.

One thing that surprises me that's not in the first game is the possibility of having local games. Since, iirc, you couldn't have someone sat next to you can you both play the game. There was no like split-screen option I think. Or at least, for the proper games. I feel that may be a nice addition.

Being able to fully customise your character would be really nice as well. I know you can now change the look of your trousers I believe, and I think maybe hair. But I mean about the full character. Face, shoes, colours, all that kinda thing.

The last thing isn't really a feature, more of a hope, I kinda hope it gets released for the Wii U... I doubt it will though, but I can still hope >.<)/
I'd like to see;

~Better online servers, because in the original Splatoon game I somehow manage to dc at times, Although I have a good stable connection, and my laptop/phone still stays connected to the 'net. It's becoming an issue and it's annoying.

~Better matchmaking, because whenever I quad with friends I somehow manage to go up against S+ players (mostly Japanese), and it's not fun to get wrecked. Funny thing is, my friends are either S rank like me and sometimes lower, like A rank. It doesn't even make sense. I try to avoid quadding, although I like playing as a full team, being able to communicate via voice chat, is a plus.

~New weapons, maybe like a shotgun (Shoots bursts of ink with high damage/ink usage like the .52/.96 Gal) because using the same weapons again and again is repetitive. A crossbow would be nice as well, it would shoot ink like a Bamboozler, kinda weak and requires good aim.
Splatoon 2 looks like a pretty good game and I'm excited for it!
But some things I would like to see in it:


Nintendo probably won't add public voice chat, but I mean voicechat for your friends.
Like when you team up with your friend in ranked or in a private battle. It would be pretty cool to me.
And useful if you're playing with a bud.

Multiplayer Campaign-

The story mode campaign is meant for single players, but it would be cool if there was a way to play with a friend.
Maybe you could unlock after beating a certain amount if levels, or there's a special levels you can only play with a friend.

I mean come on, who wouldn't want them to bring Splatfests back?

Octoling & Spike amibbo-
I don't know what they would do yet, but they would be pretty cool.

These are some of the things I hope they might add :3
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I have to tell that I was not a splatoon fan at first. I got the switch and downloaded the splatoon 2 testfire. I am still not sure why I was so hyped at playing it, maybe because ir ran smoothly on the switch, the new weapons, the new maps, I can´t tell. The real matter is that I was so hyped by the game, that I re-started playing splatoon 1 (besides there are differences, I still enjoy painting those maps on turf war).
I agree with you guys that it needed new modes and I am quite happy that they are trying to get the game to new horizons
I hope to see more gameplay rather then being online focused. I hope they bring back Splatfests and octolkings is what I would like to see. New ranked battles and options to play turf war in squads more conveniently. I want more story for the game it was super easy to finish. Only like a few hours of gameplay if you don't count online.
The most important thing I want from splatoon 2 currently is a way to host a tournament in game because splatoon has lots of potential for online tourneys and I've always have wanted to host one but most times it wouldn't work because I would have to spend time spectating the match and the only way to spectate is to be in the same match with the people battling which I think really isn't a good way to host a tournament.

Another thing I want from splatoon 2 is more special clothes earned from amiibo. I would absolutely loved callie and marie themed outfits from their own amiibos.